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Everything posted by Valimee

  1. this usually happens right after the server started, just wait some minutes until the timer kicks you out of the game.
  2. here you go. Bonus 50% EXP! Double Money Gained! Access to Members Only Areas Early Access to various Pokemon! Access to unique Members Only Clothes, Hats and Mounts (From various Quests and Shops ingame) (This is not the Coin Shop)!
  3. in order to reach island 6 you only have to clear the ex rocket hideout if i remember correctly. in the lost cave you'll get some good items and an abandoned pokemon, although it's not needed to progress.
  4. currently mega evolutions are not possible for us, this will be implemented soon.
  5. when you get to johto for the first time, you will only be able trade johto pokemons then. after you achieved the 8th. badge in johto, pokemon of both regions will be unlocked for you.
  6. no, when you haven't been in johto yet, you cant get any of the pokemons caught there.
  7. the android version is not playable due to some bugs currently. please use windows/mac until it got fixed. sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. on what system are you playing? please restart your client first.
  9. Valimee


    what neltharion said. here's a list of all the current abilities. https://pokemondb.net/ability
  10. you, sir, are awesome.
  11. that's the right place to post donation issues. here you go: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/Forum/viewforum.php?f=71
  12. Valimee


    el servidor es actualmente completa , sea paciente y tratar de nuevo hasta que se obtiene en . :)
  13. because the server is full currently, just be patient and try over and over again. you'll be lucky eventually and get in.
  14. it's not possible to reset your timers. this game is still in beta and everyone should be aware that bugs, crashes and stuff can and will happen. i'm sorry for the inconvenience.
  15. the android version is known to have some issues right now that makes it unplayable, so just have to wait for an update. i suggest you play on windows/mac until then.
  16. and what system are you playing? already tried a clean download? if you're under windows, try to run the game in admin mode by right click "run as administator".
  17. Valimee


    there's no masterball and there probably wont be. this is an MMO after all.
  18. in order to visit love islands, you have to catch 120 pokemon related to kanto and 40 evolved pokemons overall. just visit the "love trader" in vermillion city, next to ss. anne
  19. because the server is down currently. there is no ETA for when it will be back, so we just have to be patient.
  20. never heard of a linux client so far but you can just use a virtual machine / emulator like "wine" for example to play PRO on your linux system.
  21. did you took anything else out of the PRO64_Data folder? because you should not even touch it. i suggest you download the client again, just take PRO64_Data and PRO64.exe out of the downloaded file and put them both on your desktop.
  22. you don't have to install the game at all, just download and unzip it. are the PRO64_Data and the .exe really at the same destination? try to create a new folder and move both, the executable and the PRO64_Data folder in the new created one, then try to start once again.
  23. nobody took the item from you with any intention. it's just that the server did a small rollback after it crashed and got restarted. so it's like you never found the item. i know how annoying this can be, but the game is still in beta and you have to know that things can go wrong. anyway, i'm sorry for you and wish you good luck finding another one
  24. you have to beat the elite 4.
  25. Valimee


    that sometimes happens after the server crashed. you just have to wait a few minutes until it works again.
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