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Everything posted by Pokemaster9094

  1. Username:Pokemaster9094 Server:Silver Country/Timezone: India / GMT+5:30
  2. Selling this boi for 550k
  3. yo i would like to buy the 300k pelliper this is my discord Pokemaster9094#3451
  4. i would like to buy the eevee my discord tag Pokemaster9094#3451
  5. I would like to buy the jolteon, btw is this a gold shop?
  6. Yo is the timid eevee still for sale
  7. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Pokemaster9094 2. Number of hours played? Almost 800(797) 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Greninja and lucario 4. How old are you? 16 (17 this August) I do PvP occasionally. I am trying to improve, so I hope u guys give me good advice . My highest rating would be 130 (Ik not much). I hope u guys accept me . My Discord:Pokemaster9094#3451
  8. i started using this pc since the update before the recent update
  9. Meruem sama, is there any hope
  10. i cleared the temp files , and delted the client before i did that.. i ran pro in the win 7 compatability mode .... i play pro in a win 7 64 bit laptop i3 processor 2.40 ghz(ik a crappy pc) ... this computer is pretty old . the crash happens when i reach the harbor . I talk to the sailors and it says loading map and when the map is loaded is just crashes like the screenshot.as for when i later login it says loading map and it crashes.
  11. Meruem sama , it doesn't work , it still crashes , i guess my game just crashes on every stop
  12. Guys my game just crashes when i visit certain locations , for now when i visit the love island harbor and the stop after the viridian forest , igotta login from another device to get out of the location. this iswhat appears before the client closes
  14. SO i used mud slap on tentacool , it took damage . ..... But it says "Completely Ineffective"
  15. Wts for 1.3m Contact me on discord @Obito~#3451
  16. Thanks a lot ,i sure have missed a step .
  17. Still didn't work for me :( I only have the black screen issue ,but it is not resolved yet
  18. What is your Discord tag? Pokemaster9094#3451 How often do you use Discord? There is no perfect frequency ,but i use it everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Hmmmmmm,i gave no idea.Maybe a few more events
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