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  1. Does this require trade or is there some other way i can do this alone? I'm not sure how much i trust people to do this with.. Any help would be great.
  2. I received the Lugia caught data wich shouldnt be possible? 1. I challenged Boss Thor to a battle. 2. After defeating Thor, I received the Lugia seen data. 3. Right after deafeating Thor, I challenged Lugia (right behind Thor) to a battle. 4. After defeating Lugia, I received the Lugia caught data (see image).
  3. Hi, good afternoon. First of all, I'm deeply sorry if I'm not in the right place to ask help for this but... here we go: I'm having a issue with this virus or whatever it is. Everytime I open PROClient.exe and start playing the game suddenly it closes generating an error named IDP.Generic seen by Avast Antivirus as a threat. I already tried reinstalling the game but the problem persists. And also tried to scanning the PRO files but nothing was found. What can I do? Thanks in advance.
  4. Was wondering if a mod can de level my snorlax , gained a level while stark mountain but got critical ohko and now I can't go back in because it's not at lvl 60
  5. I need help, yesterday i was excluding pokemons from my bag and i accidentally deleted a gliscor level 100 without it is not ha, i would have to recover it for myself pls
  6. Hello! I was leveling up my poke, when in the 99 lvl, i missclicked to not evolve it to the final evolution and now it is 100 level with the second evolution. Can you help me please? I attach a file to see the situation.
  7. :( can you stuff help me with that? i can post full picture of abomasnow if that needed.
  8. i bought a tm from someone after taking the pokemon and the tm i came to place it on my volcarona the game disconected and i just couldnt find the tm anymore can anyone help ?
  9. I'll just get straight to the point. When i just beaten the Canalave Gym which was on Sinnoh and i went to the Canalave Library 2F people said that Prof. Rowan and Barry was supposed to be there but no one wad there except the child amd the guy studying i talked to them both normal NPC stuff, people said for me to go to the Lakes i tried to go in still can't, then i tried to go to the next gym and thought maybe its a new thing still can't the raged onix and steelix was still there, i'm practically stuck i would really need some help on this predicament.
  10. In front of my character, at the direction he is facing.
  11. to do the repel trick i need to activate a repel and a poke with same lvl or lower to get the wanted poke??
  12. Hey! I'm having issues in logging into Silver server(my main server).When i press "Login Silver" the message of "logging in" shows but then suddenly changes to "Conncetion lost". I tried multiply times,I downloaded and installed the client again also checked my internet connection(no problem with that) so guide me on what to do... Btw, I can login into Gold server without any problem, the problem is with Silver one. I've attached the screenshots too :)
  13. Guys i cant log in to my game ienter my password but the game says invalid besides my google account that i used to it was hacked now how could i reset my password ??
  14. Ok guys as i mentionned on the title, i can't drag any pokemon from my storage computer to my pokemon team. I've just started the game after 2 years on the silver server. So i was happy to play again but unfortunatly i can't. I still have only 1 pok on my deck and all the others on my storage. Anyone could help me please ? Cheers, Fravanck
  15. i was lending t my brother some pokes to beat jto e4 but by mistake i gave him some pokes from hoenn and sinnoh. the problem is that i didnt lend them in the trade coz it wasnt needed i trust him :P, and second that it shouldnt let me trade them in the first place. i would like to be fixed without me waiting for him to do the infamous ratata quest but if it not possible its ok, i post it more to be fixed in general :) good day!!
  16. My pokemon cannot change position and move to pc. idk what to do, need help pls :(
  17. i started to play my game and it spawned me between the trees and i cant more
  18. I Started playing last night and was having a blast with my friends on the gold server. We played for about 4 hours straight and we got all the way to the 3rd gym and won the badge. But as soon as I log in today everything is gone and professor Oak is trying to talk to me again. Can someone please help me,I wanna play but I dont think I can start over again especially with my friends much farther then me. my Team was Charmelon- level 31 Roselia- Level 37 Snorlax- level 25 Dodrio- Level 31 Haunter- Level 16 Dugtrio- level 25 I really hope someone can help me. Also I want to add I originally picked the silver server but switched immediately when my friends started playing as they picked the gold server. When I did this it didn't ask me to customize my character but I didn't mind and I just rolled with it. I hope that because of this that I dont lose everything. Also my character was bald with a pokemon ball shirt on it. Note- Originally posted this thread in wrong area.
  19. I have the same problem. I check the things you wrote but it don't work either. Can you help me please?
  20. i killed manaphy :(( how to cacth it again?? can boss nikola do that??
  21. Hello, I would like to report a bug with my shiny liepard mount, the mount was added with the Xmas event update and I bought it with coins from the shop the moment the server was unlocked but after a bit 10-20minutes servers went down cuz the mount was bugged and it got removed although the mount I bought didn't disappear and I could use it but not trade it. So they recently added the mount again on the shop but my mount is still untradable. I want to know if you could change my shiny liepard mount with another shiny liepard mount but tradable. I don't know if the mount it's supposed to be untratable but since it's a coin shop item I think it's a bug with mine and probably with everyone else shiny liepard mount and normal one who bought it the moment it was added and before it got removed from the shop due to a bug. I'm looking forward for your answer, Merry Christmas!
  22. i just trade With a guy, ibuy 2cc With 600k .however,i can only put200pokedollers on trade box but can Not put 600,000pokedollars on trade box!what the hell!?
  23. why i cant set >1k money?? pls help me
  24. Good evening I need help just when I start the fight with manaphy my connection was lost when I started the game again appeared in the center pokemon and manaphy was nowhere .. already lost or can be solved? Thank you
  25. Quería saber por qué tengo 80 monedas si no hice un pago o si puse PayPal podría decirme la razón por la que tengo esas 80 monedas. Si la única manera de Paypal y yo creo que no pagamos y si es así me gustaría saber Gracias.
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