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Hello everyone.


Well, I'm color blind, and hunting for some pink pokemon is really a pain. Oddish, Gloom, Nidoran M, (maybe others) don't look that different to me.


Maybe there's the sound alert, but I play PRO listening to music, so it doesn't help, so, a message "A wild PINK pokemon appears" would be really helpfull.



I don't know if this is possible, but I think it's worth asking.


Thank you all.

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An idea I had regarding the pink Pokemon entering the battle was that the "Wild Pokemon X" text was changed to pink in text colour.

I'm not sure how hard that would be to add on wild encounters, but I agree that Pink Pokemon need some kind of prompt.


+1 If the right idea arises.


Just read that you're colour blind a bit late, which my suggestion does not help.

More of a general idea on Pink Pokemon need a prompt.


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