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Losing Game Items


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From the starting of the game iam observing one thing losing money in game in kanto i lost nearly 20k$ money after even in Jhoto region same thing happens nearly loss 15k$ . I need my money back and fix my game Isssue Asap Otherwise iam losing money .Tqs

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From the starting of the game iam observing one thing losing money in game in kanto i lost nearly 20k$ money after even in Jhoto region same thing happens nearly loss 15k$ . I need my money back and fix my game Isssue Asap Otherwise iam losing money .Tqs

Hi there. Sorry for the delayed response. Do you happen to lose money after blacking out? Just to clarify things, you lose 5% of your money every time you black out so you should avoid blacking out as much as possible. PRO is also an MMO therefore things have been coded this way to maximize its purpose, which is to have you grind for most of your items. It is also the reason why most of the quests and storyline are more difficult than in the actual games.


Although despite this loss, you can attempt to make your money back through dig spots (3 day cooldown), battling trainers (7 day cooldown)/bosses(12 day cooldown) and hunting for Pokémon people may want.


Once again, I am really sorry about this and I hope you understand.


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