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I don't receive HM cut but i give the antidot to captain....... Please help (kanto)

Hi there. It seems as if you do in fact have HM Cut in your inventory. You can find this under the TMs tab of your backpack. Below is how to access it, incase you need a visual guide.


Step 1: Click on your Backpack in the lower left hand corner of the screen

[spoiler=Step 1]1534015053243.png.ee2ca3025ab826ffd408b7b59dcfa231.png



Step 2: Click on the TMs tab

[spoiler=Step 2]1534015119697.png.3e074e9b2a9d8237878601c295eb7189.png



Step 3: Click on HM Cut to teach it to a pokemon.

[spoiler=Step 3]1534015156202.png.b1860f7048984798bfb936b5ba46c44d.png



Please let me know if you still have difficulty accessing Cut!


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