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Loging in..


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I have to say good job to the staff for making the game great. and the players for being a good community.

However even with the server upgrades. i have to say... its taken me 2 hours today of trying to log in without success constantly 1800/1800... could you try and increase this faster please. its what put 4 of my friends off the game who could not even start. thats 4 players. if half the playerbase had 1-2 friends who wont play due to this you're losing alot of potential doners.



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I have to agree - I actually wound up donating and also purchasing a great deal of goods for myself and my girlfriend from the store but after two days of repeated issues with logging in I am kind of regretting it.


I do hope they either increase the server cap or give subscribers a priority... seems kinda odd that I can pay (donate) for this service and not have priority, just my 2c. I love this game too much to quit really though :\

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80260 I have to agree - I actually wound up donating and also purchasing a great deal of goods for myself and my girlfriend from the store but after two days of repeated issues with logging in I am kind of regretting it.


I do hope they either increase the server cap or give subscribers a priority... seems kinda odd that I can pay (donate) for this service and not have priority, just my 2c. I love this game too much to quit really though :\


Yeah i really do find it annoying and when it crashes on me... omg... its like no. However, i dont think donators should have priority. I think you will find half of the people logged in are donators lol



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Sadly I really really really want them to add Queues. So that people can gradually go in, or just jump to 2400 users at once at least. 1800 isnt gonna cut it, and it won't help the game to get more popular. Just my 2 cents.



Gets really annoying, really fast that we can't login.

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@pappnase22 I disagree, I was considering donating, but this makes me not want to. If they are in beta, they should aim to get a bigger server, if i'm not wrong, PRO was around for like 6 months+ already? If yes, then 1800 is still a bit small considering they for sure have the data of how many users attempt to connect per minute on top of those 1800.


Also, a random idea, would be to not allow everyone to be connected for more than 3 hours in a row without disconnecting(Donators would bypass this), so that everyone gets a fair chance to play

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