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Able to log in but no game data loads, just the GUI


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Resolved -- Started working suddenly after trying to log in over and over and over and doing F2 -> clearmaps console command every time. Now it works on Mobile and Win7 again.


Update: Was able to get into the game on my home connection after moving to a different map while on mobile data, but now the problem is still occurring. It only worked for a moment then blacked out again. It only worked once.


Everything is black and nothing loads. I downloaded the latest client and deleted the old one. Cleared all temp files and rebooted, still happening. This also is happening on mobile. It happened before I updated, and after. When I go to play the Gold server, the Prof. Oak intro plays so I'm assuming Gold will work, but I don't have any play time there and am still fairly new to the game and playing on Silver only so far.


Update: It appears to somehow be my connection. Why would my connection be refusing to load map data? While troubleshooting, I decided to turn off wifi on my phone and the game loads on mobile data. I reset my router and still have the issue on PC and Android.


I was just playing last night. Last thing I was doing was fishing in Pallet town I believe.


Edited by turles
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Everything is black and nothing loads. I downloaded the latest client and deleted the old one. Cleared all temp files and rebooted, still happening. This also is happening on mobile. It happened before I updated, and after. When I go to play the Gold server, the Prof. Oak intro plays so I'm assuming Gold will work, but I don't have any play time there and am still fairly new to the game and playing on Silver only so far.


I was just playing last night. Last thing I was doing was fishing in Pallet town I believe.

Hi there. Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please try to do the following?

• Run the game in compatibility mode

• Update your Display/Graphical Drivers

• Add an exception for the client in your Firewall and Antivirus

• Update your Windows Version

• Clear out your Physical Memory or Ram to free up space

• Terminate processes you don't need in the Task Manager


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Update: Running the game through mobile data on my phone works. As soon as I enable wi-fi, the problem happens again. So how can my connection be the problem and how do I resolve this? I am a little happier now that I have narrowed the problem down, I hope someone here knows what I need to do! Thanks.


Tried compatibility mode and added PRO64.exe to the firewall exceptions. No change.


The game was running fine before this happened, and I've never experienced any issues before.

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Here's a video of it happening on Mobile. I start off with wifi, then turn wifi off and reload the game to show what's happening:



Video of it happening on PC (Win7, very nice well-kept PC) Try connecting to silver, and then showing that Gold does work:


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Hey there!


Sorry for the inconvenience, once again. It seems like your provider has issues with loading PRO, which is the reason that you can connect from your phone with the help of mobile data but not from your PC. Until your providers fixed their issue, you would have to play with the help of a VPN or proxy. Playing with mobile data would also be a solution for now. If you need help with VPNs and proxys, feel free to contact a Staff Member or a Discord Staff Member.


I hope this helps you with your issue. If you need furher assistance, please let us know.

Kind regards, Noxious

Edited by Noxious



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I'm hardlined into my modem with an ethernet cable. PRO is the only program/game giving an issue. Everything else I use is working flawlessly. I only use wifi on the phone. My computer has always been directly connected to the router, and it was working fine a night ago.

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The issue is that your provider might have a very few programs, including PRO blocked, which means everything but PRO runs smoothly, as you just mentioned.


Please let me know if you have further questions.

Kind regards, Noxious



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