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Game freeze at moon


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Right now i was at moon, i had beaten deoxys and was hunting for gible, around 45 mins. No gible. Suddenly gible popped up and the gible used dig and i switched to my haxorus and used false swipe it got miss (of course) and then again used falseswipe and when i clicks on items the game freezer but the music was still playing normally. I DONT know of rayquaza AND PLEASE HELP! THAT GIBLE!!!


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Hello, @Aayash this is a Bug, nothing about your computer or mobile , Called Backpack delay bug , when you don't use to much your backpack in battle , the server will not respond for a litle so , you just need to wait a bit , without clicking nothing (this is your game fletching the data of your itens on server).

remenber to avoid this bug to happen just open sometimes the backpack inside battle. like 10 in 10 mins, theres also no way to recover the gible you encounter .


Hope this helps,have a good day.

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And so I need to go back to moooon!!? And yeah before gible I opened by bag at one graveler. And yeah I waited around 7-8 mins. Then backgrounded it and reopened it and then black screen of death and it hanged (lagged) my mobile...


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Right now i was at moon, i had beaten deoxys and was hunting for gible, around 45 mins. No gible. Suddenly gible popped up and the gible used dig and i switched to my haxorus and used false swipe it got miss (of course) and then again used falseswipe and when i clicks on items the game freezer but the music was still playing normally. I DONT know of rayquaza AND PLEASE HELP! THAT GIBLE!!!

Hi there. Sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, you may have experienced the Bag Glitch. Next time, if your game freezes when opening up the bag, do not click anything since the client will fix itself. You can avoid it by opening their bag every 5-10 minutes when farming, or waiting out the glitch. As quoted,

Bag Glitch and Crash

This glitch is caused when there was a change in your bag items from the last time to the first time you open that during a battle. When you click the bag during the battle the client will have a small crash (most of the times gets solved just by waiting a few moments) as it is updating the bag information.

The longer the time between each opening of the bag the longer the crash will be, players usually experience it when running from a lot of common battles whilst hunting for a rare pokemon.

To prevent this issue open the bag every 5-10 minutes in battle, as it will maintain your bag updated.


Once again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you understand. As nothing further can be done, I'll now be locking this thread. Good luck and have a nice day.


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