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Disappearance of an object


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Hello, good evening I do this post because I disappeared an object that had it a long time ago when it will enter the game told me to be locked and I said ok I will wait until they fix it when I enter the game and I will look for something I see that is not my exp boost

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Hello, good evening I do this post because I disappeared an object that had it a long time ago when it will enter the game told me to be locked and I said ok I will wait until they fix it when I enter the game and I will look for something I see that is not my exp boost


Hey yaxon22,


Im sorry for inconvenience.

We are aware of this problem and it will be most probably fixed with the new client which will be available soon. In meanwhile, please stay patient.

When the new client is available, it will be announced at our Official PRO Discord.

Make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download a new one. :)


In case the problem still contains in the new client, please create another General Support topic.



Regards Xylos

Staff does not give any private support in personal messages. Please use the proper forum instead.

General Support|Ban Appeals|Bug Resolution

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