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Mt. Coronet Onix and Stellix Problem Help


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Merhaba millet


7. Onix and Stellix on my way to the Badge are closing my way and I'm stuck here and I ask for your help.


kötü ingilizcem için özür dilerim


Hey Wwholy,


Im sorry for this inconvenience.

If you are stuck, please try following:


▪︎ Try Alt+Tab

▪︎ Use an Escape Rope

▪︎ Try battling another player and losing, this should bring you back to your last visited Pokecenter

▪︎ Try typing /ref into the chat bar, or clicking the refresh arrow on the bottom toolbar

▪︎ Log out, and then back in

▪︎ Close the whole client and start PRO again



In case this should not help, could you specify where exactly you are stuck? If possible, please provide a screenshot.


Regards Xylos

Staff does not give any private support in personal messages. Please use the proper forum instead.

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Merhaba millet


7. Onix and Stellix on my way to the Badge are closing my way and I'm stuck here and I ask for your help.


kötü ingilizcem için özür dilerim


Abicim fotograf gösterebilsen cok iyi olurdun. Ve burayi gecmek ücün Story yi devam oynaman lagzim. Ordan gecemessin daha. Yedinci Düsmanin Snowpoint city de ve oraya gitmen lazim.


Su an galactic grunts lari yaptinmi? Yapmadiysan bunlari kazanman lazim ve ondan sonra Commander Marsi.

Ondan sonra dagi yukardan cikip baya bir yol yukariya dogru gitmen lazim. En yukarda Snowpoint city dir. Onu yapman lazim



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@Xylos he isn´t stuck. It is Story based. He doesnt know what to do next so i kinda described him a bit what to do next which is the 7th badge of sinnoh ^^




Yeah, noticed when he sent the picture. Thank you very much for your help! :)

Staff does not give any private support in personal messages. Please use the proper forum instead.

General Support|Ban Appeals|Bug Resolution

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