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Secondo me il ban che ho ricevuto sul mio accaunt è ingiustificato perchè non ho usato cheat non ho solo giocato per tanto tempo perchè non ho potuto

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Scondo me il ban non è giistificato perchè non ho giocato per tanto tempo si ma non ho usato cheat




feel free to create a Appeal at our Discipline Appeals area in order to know the duration and reason of your ban. In meanwhile, please stay patient. Once created, you can bump your appeal once every 24 hours by a reply at the appeal.

As this is stated in our forum rules:

Do not report players or appeal bans here.

I will lock this topic now.


Regards Xylos

Staff does not give any private support in personal messages. Please use the proper forum instead.

General Support|Ban Appeals|Bug Resolution

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