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Macho Brace is missing


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Hi! I was training evs in Route 118, and suddenly my macho brace was missing. Maybe a zigzagoon stole it? There is a way to recover my macho brace? :C

Hey Keb27,


your Macho Brace should be in your inventory. Can you check it? In case it is not in your inventory, could you do a screenshot of your bag with the position where the Macho Brace should be? (Items are sorted alphabetic)


Regards Xylos

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Hi, I have 1 macho brace in my inventory, but I had 2 of them, there is my screenshot.





It seems you made a landing trade a while ago where the landed Pokémon held a Macho Brace. Unfortunately you wont receive any items once you get back the lent Pokémon.

As stated in the lending trade FAQ:

  • 4. I borrowed someone my Pokemon that was holding a Life Orb, but the Life Orb didn't come back to me?
    • This is indeed correct, if a Pokemon is holding an item at the time the borrow timer runs out; the item will be put into the Temp-Owners backpack.


Do you have any further questions?


Regards Xylos

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