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PvP Disconnection/Forfeit Fix Suggestion


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Although you are not suppose to make more than one suggestion this feels like a 2 in 1 package as one or the other can be done but both really should be addressed as a whole together. These suggestions are:


  1. Implement a forfeit option to the game or remove the time penalty for disconnecting a PvP match
  2. Add the capability for a player to return to a PvP battle or even a Boss Battle should one disconnect (obviously with a time limit for PvP)

*NOTE: Now I know parts of this can be very contradictory, this is precisely why I want to address this as one singular problem that can be done in parts with one goal set in mind by our great volunteers*

*NOTE: I know both these suggestions in some capacity have been made I am not illiterate, however the first was a fix to the DC penalty being an absurd 45 minutes (thank god that is gone) and the other was suggested by BlazinSwampert who is not only suspended but did not create a very compelling argument for the 2nd bullet in my opinion therefore here I am*



  • A forfeit as far as I can tell does not sound all that difficult and even easier would be to just remove the time penalty since we definitely know that has been done in the past
  • The ability to return to battle from a DC sounds far more complicated and the implications it could have past feasibility are numerous as well I am aware, therefore I would not hold my breath for it

How does #1 Benefit the Community:

  • I am sure we all have battled that one team that has all the crazy tech's you just never could account for (I know I have). If you get that one paralyze turn or that one critical hit that ruins your whole gameplan to oblivion what do you currently do? You spend at least 2 minutes or more sacking all your mons to concede and that feels even more tilting coming off that game ending crit.
  • If you accidentally disconnect from the game but it was just a short internet failure on your end you should not have to wait 10 minutes to re-queue and be allowed to start playing again.

How does #2 Benefit the Community:

  • If you have a short internet failure or your phone has the game on it, you do not have to lose valuable rating in PvP.
  • If a boss battle implementation were to be added then you could pick right back up where you left off.

Strengths of #1:

  • Players no longer have to wait to re-queue for whatever reason meaning there is likely an increase to the number of PvP matches happening
  • Players do not have to just sack all their mons to concede

Weaknesses of #1:

  • Promotes a possible unhealthy play style similar to that of Hearthstone where aggressive mindless game play is the efficient way to gain rating over slow methodical game play
  • Conflicts partially with the second suggestion depending on what is possible to do and what the community wants
  • Can't people use this to boost? (hint: No it cannot, read below please before you become a keyboard warrior)

Strengths of #2:

  • Good players are not punished for their Wal-Mart connection in rating
  • No more REEEEE's in PRO Discord when the server crashes on someone's boss battle

Weaknesses of #2:

  • Makes PvP matches take longer to finish if the player does not come back or is toxic and purposefully DC's to make you have to wait just to win without being a punishable offense
  • If you can no longer DC concede to a boss you would have no way to avoid the battle's loss if it leads to that and therefore you lose a percentage of your money (BTW I made another suggestion thread talking about this EXACT problem of losing money to NPC battles, check it out (^= ...)

Weaknesses Rebuttal in order of the Weakness Bullets as they are Listed:

  1. Aggressively styled game play is high risk, high reward game play and should be rewarded as such if this were to become meta because I think we can all agree constant stall teams is not only unhealthy for the game to be the constant go to, but it also locks players into drawn out battles that remove 2 potential people from the PvP matchmaking pool. Honestly, why is this not listed as a strength :4head:
  2. This is only listed as a weakness because consideration does have to be given as a whole to this to make sure ideas are not conflicting should the community agree to more than one idea but not be able to do both ideas together
  3. As of the current iteration of PRO we have two things in place to my knowledge that counter-argue boosting. One being that we already have the option in PRO to not start a battle with our opponent and we lose if they choose a lead Pokemon while we did not. How does the forfeit change any of this from happening then, it does not. Secondly, from what I read, YOU CANNOT RECEIVE PvP coins for DC wins but I have not confirmed this (if I am wrong, that would be another terrific suggestion that solves this now wouldn't it?)
  4. I think we all can agree yes this would be annoying and there are plenty of toxic players out there, but in my opinion it is just a slight extra minute wait that in turn increases the consistency of good players in PvP and that sounds like a positive to me
  5. I may as well clickbait my other suggestion I made for this that I offered ideas about why do we even have money loss in the game so please read that and implement that too then LOL! Also, even if that option is a no, I think any competent player can agree they do not really lose matches ever for any reason and are much more affected by boss DC's rather than losing to a boss. Again, I offered my 2 cents the matter regardless, .....read it ......., seriously -:PikaLurk: You still did not go read it did you?.... Well here is the TL:DR, it was denied without any middle ground of hard capping money loss or anything which in my opinion sucks but not much I can do ammirite? Still it would make a lot of sense here and to use the quote from Qeight, "I will cut it short and sweet, no. You should always be prepared for every fight and as you already said logging out is an option. " So if we should always be prepared I guess not being able to DC sounds like a contridiction to the weakness stated huh?


In conclusion, I thank you if you read all of this. It is pretty meaty and lengthy (resist joke urges) I am aware but I like to be methodical in my decision making and I hope this insight offers success for the community in favor of something here being done unlike my previous suggestion =^(. If you are interested at all in what I said there (spoiler its also got a decent chunck of text) feel free to use this link I appreciate it but do not comment there even if you agree with it because the decision unfortunately is final and we need to respect that even if I do not think the reasoning had fair logic, rebuttal, or consideration for middle ground to it.


Edited by McSchitter
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Just give rest of turn time for dc player to return. Mobile users get cringed every time by some signal instability and lose points. No need extra time. I agree with forfeit button. Plus remove 10minute penalty. We all know there are better ways to prevent boosting at least for ladder players.

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