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https://discord.gg/hmGQGsR owo watz diz? an invite? uwu!!

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

Joining raiders was the best thing which could possibly happen to me in 2020. 

The support I've been provided with, cannot be expressed in words or sentences alone. 

The serene aura with an optimistic ambience which makes the community extremely engaging and fun is a real turn on for players. 

Regular events with massive and epic rewards which motivate us further. 

I don't have to look for any service providers when the discord community got so many reliable and paced trainers on whom I could depend on for my services. 

PvP is a challenge faced by a lot of players. Team building, deciding on the pokemons they want to use, buying the items required for them and choosing right move sets by yourself can be a pain. 

When I started PvP, the only thing I needed was guidance and knowledge. The option to lend pokemons from the PvP Bank was extremely convenient and helped me try different teams without any major expenses in-game. Additionally, the guidance provided by the experienced players is remarkably effectual. I was able to see the improvement after a couple of weeks. 

Now, when I look back, I do realize that the community along with me have come a long way. 

In the end PRO indeed is game, developed for players like us to have fun and bond with new people. But being a part of such a staggering community has also helped not only me but a lot more players to understand things and mature in a dexterous way. Every player is a person behind a screen. Let's respect that and enjoy the game in a fair and wholesome way. 


On 12/22/2018 at 10:48 PM, Bhimoso said:

Welcome to the Raiders Alliance!


About us


We're an international alliance of small guilds formed by more than 1900 active PRO members focused on PVE, PVP and Community based fun. We're a really big and extended open family in Gold Server and Silver Server.

We're open to absolutely anyone to join our alliance, no matter if you just started in Pallet Town or have 3000 hours into the game. Come and have fun with us!




Our alliance has a massive amount of members, and for this reason we also provide an astonishing amount of services in both servers. We have Dex Services, Leveling Services, Training Services, Teaching, EV Training, Shops, Poké Bank, Poké Lending... We have absolutely anything you may need. We even have people in the alliance who are dedicated solely towards these! Discounts are made for members, and the longer you stay with us and climb up our rank system, the better and cheaper they are!




To apply for the Guild, you must join our discord via the link provided: 





The only requirement is that you behave and respect the rules, each individual guild in the Alliance has their own requirements and so, you can ask each leader to know them. Remember to join the discord! It is OBLIGATORY! If needed, make a new account! We'll also invite you to the official server 🙂 You can also fill in the next questions (if you feel like it).


1.- What's your progress in story?

2.- Why do you want to join us?

3.- Have you been in any other guilds?

4.- What's your favorite part about PRO?

5.- Are you experienced in Pokemon?


Other Info


Our guild is currently open to make alliances with ANY guild on ANY server. We're specially open to new guilds or newbie guilds, casual-oriented guilds and people who are starting on the game, big communities of people as long as they're friendly, behave properly and try to communicate and get into us. We'll make you a space in discord for all of your members, set your channels and permissions and give you powers to set up your community. You can move all your members if you already had an existing discord!


List of Guilds:


Royal Raiders (PvP Ladder Guild)

Storm Raiders

Broke Raiders

Tornado Raiders

Doom Raiders

Elemental Raiders

Milky Raiders
Darth Raiders

Pyro Raiders


And more!





I love Raiders



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