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IGN: Redg

Discord Name: Redg #1253

Pokemon Name: Chimangra

Pokemon Typing: Fire/Poison

Pokemon Description: Chimeric-like Pokemon with the body and face of a vicious fire-breathing lion and a deadly venomous snake for a tail.


Revered as gods by humans and other species alike, the Chimangra species have been said to rule over the luscious countrysides of Greece and Southern Europe. Chimangra tend to be ill-tempered and extremely hostile to those unfamiliar to them. When threatened, Chimangra have been known to obliterate villages with their scorching breath, slowly killing survivors by injecting powerful venom into their bodies.

Chimangra have been said to roam in prides (family packs). And within those prides, male and female Chimangra play different roles. Within the family, one male acts as the sole protector of the pack, fending off danger away from the cubs and females. Males have larger body frames, and have been referred to as invincible by anyone who have escaped with their lives. Female Chimangra, in comparison, have much more agility and are the hunters of the pride; being highly intelligent. They characteristically have heightened killer instincts and combat prowess when compared to their male counterparts. When hunting, they hide and stalk their prey, waiting for the opportune moment to slaughter their dinner in seconds with their speed and destructive power. Chimangra have been highly sought out for by poachers for knowledge on their genetic mutation, but every expedition to obtain this information have ended in countless tragedies.



Pokemon Details/Possible Builds:

Possible Abilities: Flash Fire/Poison Heal Hidden Ability: Family Vengeance (Unique ability that increases damage dealt by 5% for every Pokemon fainted in party, stacks up to 3 times]

Females: 3% increased base stats in Speed/Sp. Attack

Males: 3% increased base stats in Defense/HP


Female Chimangra (Sweeper):

Flash Fire/Family Vengeance


EVs: 252 Sp/ 252 Sp. Attack/ 6 HP

Toxic/Sludge Bomb



Sunny Day


Male Chimangra (Tank):

Poison Heal/Family Vengeance


EVs: 252 Def/ 252 HP/ 6 Sp. Attack

Toxic/Toxic Spikes



Sunny Day


Pokemon Drawing/Picture:

Note: Will Post a fully-colored one in a couple of days when I'm done exams :D


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-IGN: Lucaspalo

- Discord name: LucasPalo

- Pokemon name: Bhamotin

- Pokemon Typing: Normal

- Pokemon description: [Lore]: While Giratina was traveling by the Distortion World, rarely crossing with other life forms because nothing could exist there that it was not created by him; he, or it, encounter a strange kind of existence. Giratina was amazed because it's presence couldn't be feeled, not even by him.

At the begining, it seems like a ever-changin light with the colours of all the elements. But when Giratina reached it, it becomed a centipede like form. Then, it turned into a bird followed by all kind of forms known and unknown by all creatures. Finaly, it turned into a humanoid shapeless body, wich once again shined with an amalgamation of all colours of the element.

The strange creature spoke in a long forgotten language that even Giratina wasnt able to speak. But Giratina understood:

"I am all things that exist,

And as all things, i do not exist.

All the possibilities lie in the heart of the lucky one who looks inside.

There i shall apear, as the true self of existence. The true face of what we all are."


[Formal description]: Personification of emptiness. A pokemon with no dual appearance. Legends from lost civilization told that a wise man once reached enlightenment transforming itself into a new Pokemon that now guides from the inside those pure-hearted trainers who seek to prevent the world from degenerating.

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- IGN: Eboncandle


- Discord name: H2OAlkana#1171


- Pokemon name: Cenderavolt

from :


a spesies bird in papua


the SI unit of electromotive force


- Pokemon Typing: Electric - Flying


- Pokemon description:

"It is said Cenderavolt is Bird from Paradise, extremely rare only found in thick jungle far from human civilitation"

Cenderavolt have base stats :

HP : 76

Atk : 81

Defense : 70

Sp. Atk : 115

Sp. Def : 75

Speed : 110


Cenderavolt ability is Static and Hidden ability is Gaiavolt

Gaiavolt makes electric move can hit ground type pokemon when pokemon doesnt have status condition.


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- IGN : Nagpatikim

- Discord Name : Nagpatikim#0499

- Pokemon Name : Loftapus

- Pokemon Type : Fairy / Flying

- Pokemon Description :

● Loftapus has a body looks like a square cotton candy and pees sugar with a platypus tail.

Max Health : 104


1. Sugar Blast -a strong smelly blast that is said to work like sweet scent outside the battle. In battle it is said to irritate the enemy pokemon and makes it hit itself. Does damage for 5 turns and the enemy pokemon cannot be switched out.

2. Cotton candy net - slows the enemy pokemon. Inflicts 60 damage.

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- IGN:anasess

- Discord name:i don't have discord

- Pokemon name:chaindra/base form:chainos

- Pokemon Typing:chanos:steel/chaindra:dragon+steel

- Pokemon description:when chaindra gets angry it uses it's crystals to create a laser beam that makes rocks melt and it's very protective and doesn't like when someone threats it's trainer very easy to anger with high atk and def and spd

signature aibility: rustproof: this pokemon is immenue to flying/water moves

signature move: melting burst: the pokemon starts collecting energy then release it in a single beam that has 100% hit chance and 120 power but it lower it's evasion

base stats:ATK:50






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IGN: Eruannaro94

- Discord name: Eruannaro #7104

- Pokemon name: Drugonsce

- Pokemon Typing: Normal/Dragon

- Pokemon description:

● Evolution of the well-known Dunsparce. Now he is capable of defending himself with his great power. Acquired the Dragon type because he lived with other dragon type pokémon. Now it is a coveted Pokémon that many want but it is not easy to get one.

Abilities: Serene Grace/Run Away and H.A Moxie


HP: 90

Atk: 115

Def: 86Drugonsce.thumb.jpg.366519d38806964370e082f53127d057.jpg

Esp.Atk: 120

Esp.Def: 95

Speed: 125

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IGN: Retropunk

Discord Name: Retropunk

Pokemon Name: Zerat

Pokemon Typing: Electric/Fight

Pokemon Description: The hero pokemon. zerats are highly intelligent and lovable pokemon, they tend to help anyone who are in need, even by simple means when someone dropped of something they tend get it for you.

Ability: Sacrifice- in SINGLE BATTLE it takes the damage of the ally pokemon on battlefield, effect last until zerat has 0hp, in DOUBLE BATTLE: every opponent is taunted to zerat.

Signature move: Chivalry - heals the user at full hp


Edited by RetroPunk


Hello! guys do not forget to follow me, or if there are questions/help that you would like to ask,feel free to send a message.

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- IGN: snowboa82

- Discord name: snowboa82

- Pokemon name: Polaria

- Pokemon Typing: Ice/Water/flying

- Pokemon description:

Polaria is a legendary pokemon. not much is known about this pokemon but little information and drawings of Polaria can be found through out the ancient ruins of Johto and Kanto regions.they are know for being fierce guardians through the Orange Archipelago, sharing its native home on ice island with the legendary bird Articuno. The ruins show records of a few sightings and claims of this pokemon targeting poachers and anyone who brings threat to the pokemon or the islands, no recorded sightings have been reported in over 100 years leaving many to believe this pokemon is just a myth. Polaria is also blamed for creating giant glaciers and ice gorges as well as large canyons to make it more difficult for humans to travel. Near by natives claim to have found dens on the peak of mountains made of ice as hard as crystals where they believe Polaria use to reside, some are still searching for Polaria to this day to find proof of existence. scripture describe Polaria to be a large blue dragon weighing over 500 lbs with shards of crystalline spikes protruding from its back and head and fin like tail and face frills which make some scientist believe it only doesn't use its spikes for attack but to also break through solid ice while swimming in any frozen bodies of water.







Ability: Ice cloak-once entered into battle Polaria automatically cloaks its self in a hard crystalline ice,only being broken after 5 critical hits,but can reform its cloak after two attacks.

Hidden ability:Hyper freeze -Polaria releases a thick icy fog that not only cuts opponents speed due to vision being compromised, but the opponents can also be frozen leaving them paralyzed for a unkown amount of time.

Move set:

Hailstorm: clouds darken and forms a storm,rains shards of ice down at a rapid speed.

Frost bite: A powerful bite cloaked in crystalline which may cause paralysis.

Ice fury: forms a vortex of ice crystals around its opponent for 4 turns, causes unknown damage each hit. possible paralysis.

Nova release: A star brightens lighting the sky,lowering opponents attack and raising its own.

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IGN: Rohansmash

Discord name: Rohansmash#3559

Pokemon name:BUGSNITE

Pokemon type:Bug /dragon

Pokemon description: pseudo legendary


Boost the Pokemons spatk by 3 stages when the move "Dragon rise" is used and the move has a base power of 80

Base stats : Atk:30/def:100/spdef:70/spatk120/


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