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Boss crash python


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Hello guys,


First i never told you how much i love your game and how great is the improving.

I came back to play after 3months and I wanted to know if we can now complain about the crash during bosses. Cause i saw in an announcement that Python was taking care of it. But it still occured on mine .. (shary and shaui) and i got the 12 days Cooldown. Pretty sad when i was on strike :)

Is that fixable now ? Or will I wait ? :)


Thanks for your time.

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Hello guys,


First i never told you how much i love your game and how great is the improving.

I came back to play after 3months and I wanted to know if we can now complain about the crash during bosses. Cause i saw in an announcement that Python was taking care of it. But it still occured on mine .. (shary and shaui) and i got the 12 days Cooldown. Pretty sad when i was on strike :)

Is that fixable now ? Or will I wait ? :)


Thanks for your time.


Hey GreyStark,


Thank you for your kind words! :)

It is right, all bosses updated with Python will notice now if the server crashes and will offer you again a fight without a cooldown. This will only work for server crashes, unfortunately not for dc's on your end as it could be abused.

Not all bosses are updated yet, only a few are. Means all old bosses (as Shary and Shaui are) do not offer this option yet.


For this cases we can not reset any cooldown.

Lost by crash issues (Including disconnections and rollbacks)


Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.


Here is a small list of all yet updated bosses:

  • Shamac
  • Naero
  • Lorelei
  • Erika
  • Chuck
  • Koichi
  • Oak
  • Elm


The locations are still the same and can be found at this topic, but keep in mind that the teams are not updated.

All old bosses will be reworked over the time, how long it will need is unsure and depends how much our Content Scripter team has to do.


Here a small quote of one our Content Scripter for what is new now:

  1. The bosses are now scripted in Python, meaning new variables. This means that any prior win streaks and cooldowns have been reset.
  2. Because of this, the cooldown checkers in each region also do not work for these bosses, for the time being.
  3. The bosses are now restricted to level 100 Pokemon.
  4. To mitigate this drop in difficulty, three different selectable difficulty levels are available: Easy, Medium, and Hard.

    1. On Easy, bosses have no EVs and no hold items., as well as a weakened moveset. Consecutive win rewards are also not available.
    2. On Medium, bosses have 252 EVs in each stat and hold items. This should be about as difficult as bosses are currently.
    3. On Hard, bosses have 400 EVs in each stat and hold items. Furthermore, the player is not allowed to use in-battle items such as

[*]The bosses' teams have also been reworked. Reborn bot is no longer accurate for these bosses.

[*]Crashing during these specific bosses' battles only should no longer start the cooldown! Python knows the difference between a disconnect and a crash. Don't try to abuse this, you'll get put on cooldown and be a sad puppy. 7. Boss rewards have also been reworked, but the impact of this should primarily be more useful consumables and less TMs. 8. As always, if any bugs managed to sneak their way onto live server, please report them promptly Thanks!


I hope I clarified everything. If you have any further questions regarding this topic, let it me know.


Regards Xylos

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