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server change


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Hey i was on blue server or red server i dont remember exactly before a year ago and now this server gone can someone help me to transfer my account with my pokemons please i lost them all and now i am too boring to start the game from the start

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Hey i was on blue server or red server i dont remember exactly before a year ago and now this server gone can someone help me to transfer my account with my pokemons please i lost them all and now i am too boring to start the game from the start


Hi @Spiiike


I'm sorry for the inconvenience

I would like to inform and ensure you that you didn't lose your progress and that everything is still there, you just need to merge your account and i will now help you explaining how to do that.

As first, take note that the Red and Blue server has merged to form the Silver Server, and the Yellow Server is now renamed as the Gold Server.


You will need to merge your accounts by log in the DASHBOARD and merge your accounts.

I checked your account and it seems like you have 86 hours on the Red Server, so if you want to have back your progress you have to select Red Server as your main server.


To merge your account you can use the following guide under the spoilers:

[spoiler= Step 1]

Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button:





[spoiler=Step 2]

Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done!






I also suggest to read the EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MERGE for questions you may have and if you should experience any issue while merging.


In case that, after the merge, you should still get the Invalid Password/Username error, please go ahead and change your password from the DASHBOARD, ensuring that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9)


Remember that you are able to play, with your old progress, only on the Silver Server since the server transfers are closed in this moment.


Let me know if you have been successful in solving your issue and if you have any further questions.

Have a wonderful day !



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  • 1 year later...
11 hours ago, LightbulbIsSour said:

It doesn t work for me. please help. I merged. when I try to log in to Silver server it says "invalid username or password" but I can log in here and to dashboard.

Hey @LightbulbIsSour!

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
In order to fix this issue, you have to reset your password in the Dashboard. Your password should contain only alphanumeric letters (Letters from A to Z and from 0 to 9), because sometimes different/special characters in your password might block you from login as Keita also mentioned above.

For more information about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, please take a look on Everything About The Merge.

With that being said, I hope this clarified everything.


Kind regards,



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