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Kanto Safari the Ev Area.

Guest deleteduser41af

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Guest deleteduser41af



I was writing with someone from the guild i'm in and i know some others will support the idea.


I'm really fan of the ev safari its a really good idea to make, so it goes a bit faster.


With my idea and it would be a improvement with the area so u dont waste time and money on the item vendor.


Could the mapper etc add a pokecenter in each ev area? It would save alot of time, when u use Macho Brace and usually dont get the first attack and specially when there is a Poliwrath that use the sleeping move or the nidoqueen and nidoking with the poison.


It would make the Ev Area better and would be a big improvement of the area, if there could be a Pokecenter in each area.


Edit: one pokecenter would also be fine.


Greetings Duerenkran.

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I think it is fine the way it is as you have plenty of time to prepare beforehand and stack up on heals and full heals. I would not mind having a nurse joy there that makes you pay money to completely heal up, but I don't feel it's completely necessary. However, I agree Poliwrath hypnosis makes you lose a LOT of time when investing on training for tanks (since it gives DEF EVs) and that it could be changed. Nidoking's poison is not as concerning for me.


I don't completely support the idea but I understand it. Good luck! :)

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Guest deleteduser41af

A nurse joy could also be a fine idea and i wouldnt mind if it would cost money.


Just some things i have been thinking about recently.

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Guest deleteduser41af
Prehax has stated a few times that there is another impending Safari EV training area update, so I would wait until then before any other suggestions are made.


Oh alright, havent seen that, thanks :-)

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  • 3 months later...


Well, I dont know if there is really gonna be an update of this EV Training area, but I will still precise some things and explain my opinion.


Before, I didnt care about EV Training area cos I had not a lot of money, so I used mostly good well known routes for EV training.

But since a few month I play differentrly and I managed to get some money.


I can thus use the EV Safari and I think some things should be improved.

Defensive Pokemon are a pain to train. Some are worst than other. So it is a bit sad to fall asleep while training Def.

This Pokemon also have Double Slap, wich hit sometimes like 5 hits. I talk of course about Poliwrath.

I trained both a Togepi and a Clefairy in this area today and I can assure you that this is very annoying to live that after paying for this area.

Other Pokemon wich is annoying, also in the same area, is Golem wich can have Sturdy. No need to explain that this make some fight way longer than it should be.

We have the same problem with Magnezone in Special Attack area, wich, I'll be honest, is more rare.

Another Problematic Pokemon is Crobat. I dont remember the name, but being confused can leech your healing stuff really quick.

I dont remember other problematic encounter for now.

When we train, we usually train for a while and each seconds can make a big difference at the end.


I dont know if the best thing to do is to change Pokemon, or to change their moveset.

I wanted to share my opinion cos we pay for this area, and I think it could be better than it is actually.

It is not bad, it is very effective, but still could be improved to avoid time loss ect.

This is annoying for usuall players, now imagine for people doing daycare or owning a shop. ;)


Good day! =P


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