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conexion perdida


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El servidor Gold estaba caído, pero ya está otra vez funcionando. Disfruta del juego!


(Gold server was down, but it's working now again. Enjoy your playtime!)

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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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norte puedo login, no me deja

Hello there! I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

The server was currently down due to some technical difficulties. As of right now, the Gold Server is up once again and you should be able to login. Please do note that we're always trying to improve our server stability, but it isn't perfect and can sometimes still result to a crash.


Also, please refrain from asking regarding server status here as it is against the General Support rules. An announcement on our Official PRO Discord Server will be made once this issue has been resolved. You can also check the server status by doing ^up in #bot-commands in our Discord.


With that being said, I will now lock this thread.

Hope you have a nice day!

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