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Silver server not working


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Silver Server is currently down. You can ask about the server status in the official discord: https://discord.gg/98pMNxq in the #general chat.


There's no ETA on when it will be back. Staff will help you out better than me on this, since they're already working on getting the server back up :)


EDIT: Just as I wrote this, Silver Server came back up. Enjoy!

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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When i am logging in my id in silver server it says connection losy and when in gold server id logged in. So i request you to give me some instructions.

Hello there! I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

As stated above by bhimoso, The server was down during the time, but It is up and running now!

Please ask about the server in the DISCORD SERVER in #general. Please do not use this for this purpose as stated in the rules.


Deep Regards.

- Aghanim.

PRO Rules -- Punishment Policy -- General Support -- How to Report

Do not contact staff members for private support.

Use the appropriate forum to help others having the issue too.


Unsolicited messages will be removed.

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