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Possible ladder reward change


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hello. I will talk only for guild ladder cause its for me the most important for me. I think it could be cool to get 80 players in each guild, if you want to create some challenge.


  • Place 1-10 get 25% EXP Boost.

=> Place 1-3 : 25% EXP Boost

Place 4-5 : 15 % EXP Boost

Place 6-7 : 5% EXP Boost

Place 8-10 : Nothing.


It will create some challenge between all the 10 guild to get a new rank. Cause it is really hard for the 10th guild to try to go at the 3rd place

  • Place 1-3 get Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies (in this order).
  • Place 1-3 can enter Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame will get a weekly boss that has a 1% chance to drop Yoshi mount.
    • Only users that were in the guild when the season ended and had 50+ points can enter Hall of Fame, even after leaving
    • => Why after leaving ? you leave, you accept it, you loose your advantage. Don't understand why you can keep it after. Hall of fame is guild advatange not a player advantage.
    • The boss also has a chance to drop Mini-MS, Train Ticket and Safari-Pass.
    • => I think that you can add money 5-10K

    [*]1st place can enter Champion's Island (has to be renamed). Pretty much what we wanted to be Guild Island before.

    [*]=> For place 1-3

    • The guild can decide 2-3 obtainable T8-9 spawns to spawn on the island and they will be lowered by one tier.
    • All other spawns will be randomly generated from a list of possible spawns.
    • Only users that were in the guild when the season ended and had 2+ points can enter the island, even after leaving.
    • => Why not 50 points like Hall of Fame ? And another time why after leaving ? its guild reward, not player reward, then if you leave, you have to loose it. This is just a free way for paying a lot of players to make points to get this Guild Island. " hello, you can make 250 points pvp ? Come in my guild i will pay you 300K. "
    • => Another problems, it will not a guild vs guild fight but a Coalition vs Coalition. Some guilds will do alliance and transfer a lot of player to help a guild to go in the top 3
    • Exemple Guild 1st and Guild 4th are friendly, Guild 1st get 2500 point more than the 2nd at the end of the season. And 4th guild need like 1000 point. Transfer 1st -> 4th 1200 point. The 4th guild get the 3rd place and the 3rd guild go the 4th place because on an unfair system ?
    • => Take a rules PvP back => Only one account can PvP. it should be forbidden to use 2 account Why ? Lot of players cry cause they can't test some team ? This was just a pure joke and lie. No one test team, it is only snipping, guild boosting and mate boosting. Impossible to motivate some new players to PvP when they fight a lot of double account with 1 rating and get destroy so hard cause they are really 400+ ranked. And other reason cause guilds can do a second guild with all their alt and they can get 2/3 place in Guild ladder.
    • => You Have to add a system like "time in guild", if the player doesn't have 300 hours ( around 3 month ) in the guild, his point PvP count for solo ladder but they are not add in the total guild. Why ? Just stop the "members lending" to snip other guild with it at the end of season. I know its maybe hard to code but its necessary, or the Gold ladder will be so casual.


Possible would also be (to avoid only the same people being able to join the island, really not sure about that):

  • Other guilds/users can enter the island for $50,000 fee for the whole month. X% of the collected money will be split between the owners of Champion's Island.
  • Every user that owned money this way gets a mail with the money they earned at the end of the season.


=> Why put a reward for guild ladder if all players can go in ? for 50K ? I think its too low, and i talk on that with some of my guild member : we are not going to pay for that, if our money go to the 1st guild ( that we know who use some unfair technic to get the 1st place )

Edited by Abygaelle
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Everything seems incredible to me, except the reduction of Pvp coins in individual Top Ladder.


Let's be honest, those who are Tops, in their majority, only dedicate themselves to Pvp, and therefore, the Pvp coins that they earn generate income, selling Pvp Coins items.

Decrease this, would be at the same time, decrease the income of many top players.


It would be an option, 800 Pvp coins for the 1st place (It is very difficult to get there, the competition for the Top 1 is intense, and even more, if these rewards are added.

2nd 775

3rd 750

4th 700

5th 695

. . .

Edited by Chaosknigth
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hello. I will talk only for guild ladder cause its for me the most important for me. I think it could be cool to get 80 players in each guild, if you want to create some challenge.


  • Place 1-10 get 25% EXP Boost.

=> Place 1-3 : 25% EXP Boost

Place 4-5 : 15 % EXP Boost

Place 6-7 : 5% EXP Boost

Place 8-10 : Nothing.


It will create some challenge between all the 10 guild to get a new rank. Cause it is really hard for the 10th guild to try to go at the 3rd place

  • Place 1-3 get Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies (in this order).
  • Place 1-3 can enter Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame will get a weekly boss that has a 1% chance to drop Yoshi mount.
    • Only users that were in the guild when the season ended and had 50+ points can enter Hall of Fame, even after leaving
    • => Why after leaving ? you leave, you accept it, you loose your advantage. Don't understand why you can keep it after. Hall of fame is guild advatange not a player advantage.
    • The boss also has a chance to drop Mini-MS, Train Ticket and Safari-Pass.
    • => I think that you can add money 5-10K

    [*]1st place can enter Champion's Island (has to be renamed). Pretty much what we wanted to be Guild Island before.

    [*]=> For place 1-3

    • The guild can decide 2-3 obtainable T8-9 spawns to spawn on the island and they will be lowered by one tier.
    • All other spawns will be randomly generated from a list of possible spawns.
    • Only users that were in the guild when the season ended and had 2+ points can enter the island, even after leaving.
    • => Why not 50 points like Hall of Fame ? And another time why after leaving ? its guild reward, not player reward, then if you leave, you have to loose it. This is just a free way for paying a lot of players to make points to get this Guild Island. " hello, you can make 250 points pvp ? Come in my guild i will pay you 300K. "
    • => Another problems, it will not a guild vs guild fight but a Coalition vs Coalition. Some guilds will do alliance and transfer a lot of player to help a guild to go in the top 3
    • Exemple Guild 1st and Guild 4th are friendly, Guild 1st get 2500 point more than the 2nd at the end of the season. And 4th guild need like 1000 point. Transfer 1st -> 4th 1200 point. The 4th guild get the 3rd place and the 3rd guild go the 4th place because on an unfair system ?
    • => Take a rules PvP back => Only one account can PvP. it should be forbidden to use 2 account Why ? Lot of players cry cause they can't test some team ? This was just a pure joke and lie. No one test team, it is only snipping, guild boosting and mate boosting. Impossible to motivate some new players to PvP when they fight a lot of double account with 1 rating and get destroy so hard cause they are really 400+ ranked. And other reason cause guilds can do a second guild with all their alt and they can get 2/3 place in Guild ladder.
    • => You Have to add a system like "time in guild", if the player doesn't have 300 hours ( around 3 month ) in the guild, his point PvP count for solo ladder but they are not add in the total guild. Why ? Just stop the "members lending" to snip other guild with it at the end of season. I know its maybe hard to code but its necessary, or the Gold ladder will be so casual.


Possible would also be (to avoid only the same people being able to join the island, really not sure about that):

  • Other guilds/users can enter the island for $50,000 fee for the whole month. X% of the collected money will be split between the owners of Champion's Island.
  • Every user that owned money this way gets a mail with the money they earned at the end of the season.


=> Why put a reward for guild ladder if all players can go in ? for 50K ? I think its too low, and i talk on that with some of my guild member : we are not going to pay for that, if our money go to the 1st guild ( that we know who use some unfair technic to get the 1st place )



Okay, you played several interesting topics.

1. Why should a player leave the Guild, still retain the benefit of Guild Island?

- I disagree with that, for this reason, there will be many guys who want to go to the Guild that is to win the 1st place before the end of the season, receive their benefit and retire. This seems disrespectful to the players who fight because their Guild is Top 1.


2. Purchase of players.

There are many reasons why players with good ratings come out of their Guilds to help the one that is to win the Top 1 or stay within the Top 10.

And it is, FRIENDSHIP in its majority, or at least in the case of my Guild.

I have many friends who always help us.


The purchase of players on the other hand, is a method that many Guilds use. . .

And you're right when you say * Come to my Guild and I'll give you Island for 30 days *, of course, it's like buying a player. Therefore, it would be better if the players who were there when the Top 1 was achieved, keep access to free Guild lsland until they leave the Guild.


3. Use of alternate accounts.


Look at Abygaelle, I play in 2 accounts, and play until 4 before they set the rule of maximum 2 accounts doing Pvp Ranked. Your Guild and the staff knows it, anyway.

Allow 2 accounts to play Pvp I think it is valid to test teams, or help your Guild with Pvp rating.

I give you an example, I in Chaos do Pvp with my real team, and in Bristelback I play with test equipment, and at the same time I make a rating for my Guild.

This, most Guilds do, and it does not hurt much.

You French know it.

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