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Question from a Noob


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Hello! I've played a bit of PRO now, and my first impressions have been great. It's really exciting to see hundreds of other trainers all around me who I can talk to, train and trade with, etc.


But...I have a question about that. What kinds of player interaction are actually available to a new player starting out? I am grinding my Pokemon in preparation for Brock, and from what I can tell, I can't battle any other real people until I have a full party of level 100 Pokemon. Is this true? If so, are there any alternative ways for me to interact with other people at this point? So far, it seems like I will have to spend many hours playing before really engaging with other players. This makes the game seem more like a traditional single player campaign with a built-in chatroom, and all the MMO aspects clustered in mid- to late-game.


Am I missing something here? I really want to love this game, so please prove me wrong if you can!

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well to be frank the story is mainly single player. You can battle people, you just need to be at around the same lvl. It has to be around 20lvls so the battle doesnt be lopsided. Once you get passed the 4th gyms is where most of the mmo style game starts. You can Trade, join guilds, or just type in all chat. The main focus of this game is its grindy. It takes more xp to lvl up a mon if its evolved or the economy are things that come to mind.




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Greetings, Klope3.


I would like to start my post by welcoming you to our community! I am really glad to hear that you enjoy the game up to this point. Now, to answer to your questions. You can always interact with other players by sending them a personal message, or by talking to our All channel (you need to have at least 30 minutes of gameplay to use it) and form friendships through that. Also, you can always use the command /battle <username> in order to send a battle request to other players, to test your Pokemon and have fun! That can also happen by right-clicking on them and click on the option "Battle".


Another great way to form friendships and interact with players are Guilds. Guilds in PRO have as a goal to form friendships and conquer the Top 10 Guildladder for EXPerience boost for now. If you wish to browse through Guilds and eventually join one, feel free to do so here: Guilds


After acquiring your 4th Badge (Celadon City Gym, Rainbow Badge, Kanto region), you can also Trade with other players and buy/sell/lend/borrow Pokemon and tons of other stuff. That requirement is lifted in the other regions.


Let me know if you have any further questions, I will make sure I respond to them as effective as I can. Hope you have a great day/night!

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Cool! It's great to see such an active and helpful staff.


I didn't realize that /battle is different from PvP. I challenged someone, lost, and hope to avoid doing so in the future. :)


I do have a few more questions. Do you get more XP from defeating other players' Pokemon, compared to just defeating wild Pokemon? Do you get money from winning the match, like you do with NPC trainers? Do you lose money when you black out?


Also some questions on other topics: When using "Inspect" on other players, I notice a "stat" field for "Doctor" and "Excavation." Are these some kind of skill that can be leveled up? Can you tell me more about them?


I know people can buy and sell Pokemon, but is there also a market for buying and selling items?


I seem to remember there being a way to zoom in and out using the scroll wheel. I can't get this to work. Was this ever a feature, or am I remembering wrong?


Is there a place I can go to check the status of the Silver and Gold servers? (Please don't lock the thread. I am NOT asking the current server status. I just want to know how to find that information for myself, for those rare times when I am unable to connect. The link in the sticky doesn't seem to work.)


And finally (for now), is there a more efficient way to update the client than deleting the program's folder and downloading the new files manually?

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I will try to answer to your questions as thorough as I can.

To begin with:

  • There are 3 types of battles in PRO. 1 of them is PvP RANKED queue, in which you compete against other players in the same server in a 6v6 Pokemon Battle, with the goal of winning. You should only "fear" of losing in this queue only, simply because it will make your win/lose ratio worse, but I would advise you not to fear at all, because you learn something each time you lose. The requirements to queue up to battle another player is to have 6 Pokemon in your party that are all 100 level, as well as being inside any Pokecenter. Winning will grant you rating which I will explain further on what it can help with, as well as one (1) PvP coin. Rating enables you to climb in the top 25 Individual Ladder. What that means is that the top 25 in rating in each server (currently we have 2 servers as you may see, Silver and Gold) are rewarded PvP Coins (600 for 1st place, decaying by 5 as the places go down), the use of which you may find in the following link in our Wiki: PvP Coins. For more about Ranked PvP and its ruleset as long as other information, feel free to check the following links:

    Moving on, we have UNRANKED PvP queue. That one again requires you to have 6x100 Level Pokemon in your party, as well as being inside any Pokecenter. The only thing that diverses it from Ranked PvP queue is that this one does not give you rating or PvP coins. It is only used in order to test teams, although it's merely used at this point, in my knowledge.

    Last but not least, we have the Friendly battles. These ones can be done by simply using the command /battle <username> (Example: /battle Equilibrium), or by right-clicking (given that you have a mouse) on the player's character and then choosing the option "Battle". This battle can only occur OUTSIDE of Pokecenters and there is no limitation whatsoever. You can either bring 1 level 5 Pokemon in your team and battle or 3 Level 20, it has no restrictions at all.

    [*]You neither get Pokedollars from winning against others players nor EXP from defeating any Pokemon. Also, you do not lose Pokedollars when you lose in a battle against another player.

    [*]Excellent question. Doctor Rank enables you to cure Pokemon and therefore be given a chance to catch them (with also a bigger chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon, 1/4096 instead of the default 1/8192). Before you are able to do that, you need to meet some requirements and follow some steps, to complete the quest. For more information, refer to the amazing guide made my a fellow Staff member, Fluffles: Doctor Rank quest. As for Excavation rank, it enables you to visit several archaelogical sites inside the very game, in order to dig for fossils, rare Pokemon and several items. For further information, it would be best to check the thorough guide made by Noxious, right here: Hoenn Excavation guide.

    [*] Indeed, there is a market for selling Items. Most of the items in PRO are tradable and therefore, sellable. I only mentioned Pokemon in my last response as it is the primal example of trading in Pokemon, but you may also buy/sell Items, as well as services. There are many kinds of services, such as Egg-move tutor services (guide is listed here: Egg-move Tutor guide), EV Training services (a guide about EVs can be found here: EV zone breakdown) and level services. As a general reminder, it is the best for your Pokemon's safety to take screenshots before any agreement, in case things do not work out the way as they should. With proper evidence, you may report the person who violated the game's rules.

    [*] As far as I know, the game would not zoom in and out based on the mouse scroll wheel. However, you can always adjust the resolution of your client, if you want it to be on full screen or not. For game zoom, all you need to do is to go to Options (either press on the checklist button at the bottom left of your Client or press "Esc" button on your keyboard, click on "options" and drag the cursor for "Game Zoom" to the right. The change will happen in real time to see the difference between each stage of it. Once you are satisfied with the outcome, press on "Apply", "OK" then and close the options tab.

    [*]If you wish to know about the condition of each server, you can either use in our Official Discord server the command ^up in #bot-commands channel, to see if both servers are up. If they are up, they will show the current online players in each of them. You may also check that by asking in #general channel of our Discord, and there either community players or Discord moderation team members will answer to you.

    [*]Windows client has an Auto Patcher which enables your client to auto-update when there are new stuff to be added. Therefore, if you are a Windows user, all you need to do when it's announced is to restart your client, let the Auto Patcher do its job by updating your clients with all the additions it has to make and that's all. Unfortunately, if you are an Android or Mac user, you need to download the latest client from our official, renewed Website.


I hope I covered all of your questions fully. Feel free to let me know about anything else, and sorry for the wall of text. Have a great night!

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Wow, thanks! I have discovered the Discord channel and will start to use that for my many tiny questions. But for now, you've gotten me off to a great start!


Glad to hear that my answers got you covered. Feel free to make a post in case you got any questions that you couldn't find an answer for. I will be now locking this thread, have a great day!

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