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PRO Username: SirRoyal

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


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Hello, ive got a problem, my laptop is all the time overheating while playing pokemon and most of the times it shutdowns, my laptop is not a beast but ive been playing much heavier games like league of legends lineage tera and stuff and never had problem, even now while im playing league i get no problems (64bit version)

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Well I can't say I have the same problem, but I must admit that I'm sometime surprised to see how hot my laptop gets while playing PRO. Well, maybe I'm wrong but I don't think it should be heating more than when I'm playing games like Fallout 4.

I can accept failure, but I cannot accept not trying.

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Post your specs please. What OS do you use. Are all the drivers updated? Provide us more information please


All credit to Jaszie for creating the signature.


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since the specs seem fine, did you update every driver/directx and as deathwing said. try to clean your laptop, if you can.


All credit to Jaszie for creating the signature.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper

Forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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