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  SexyGirl said:

thats interresting, i farmed 7 whole days and nowhere a shiny. 1 hour is 250-300 pokemon, 10 hour is 2500-3000x7 is much more than 8150..........so im [heck]ed off


I hunt decent pokes for pvp, i train for almost almost 1 month or 2 but I havent encounter any shiny. Encountering shiny is depends on ur luck not on how many days u looking for it.

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  SexyGirl said:

can u tell me, that can i find shiny pokemons on eumi island now or that areas are shiny locked?

Hello SexyGirl,


I'm sorry for any inconvenience.

I would like to confirm you that in Eumi island you can encounter shiny Pokemon with the same chance of 1/8192, or if you want percentage is 0.01220703125%, and I want to clarify that you cant encounter shiny Pokemon in Headbutt Trees, Diggable Patches, Excavation Sites, and Pokemon that are encountered by interact in the in-game world (For example Snorlax on route 12).


Also encountering 8192 Pokemon doesn't guarantee you to face one in the encounter 8192, I could say it by own experience and many other could confirm it, so I wish you the best luck hunting your shinys in our game! There are no shiny encounter booster by the way if you ever wonder.


Please let me know if you have any further question, and if I was able to answer all your questions.

Looking forward for your answer, have a good day!

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