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Hello, today is my third day of Black medallion, I've been trying to capture a Cacnea with Water Absorb for 3 days and in these 3 days, I haven't seen a single one with hidden. I have talked to people and also asked about discord support but they say it is all probability.


I thought that too, and kept trying. I have searched the two routes that appears Cacnea (Hoenn Desert and 228.) None with h.a. Also doing headbutt in Hoenn many appear and none have had h.a yet. The method I use is Kadabra rash syncronice with Role Play.

I would like someone to confirm to me in some way that it is all bad luck of mine and so keep trying because I do not want to risk buying another Black Medallion if it is a bug. I have about 40 Cacneas trapped, if it is probable I must be the person with the worst luck in the world.


Thank you for your time, I wait for an answer!

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I went ultra desperate and used a black medallion once and searched for a HA Carvanha for 3 days.


I got none.


Then proceeded to get HA Ferroseed nonstop and get hardtrolled by RNG (I had no Black Medallion active then). I hope your case is just bad RNG and not a bug :/


Good luck!

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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