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I didn't find a more suitable place to post this, if there is one my apology.


But maybe we can get another mute option within the sound settings if at all possible.

See I love a lot of the music in different area's but the mount or *Cycling* music kinda ruins that completely.

It would be nice if there was an option to completely be rid of that, Let's face it No one walks lol

So you kind of end up only hearing that and no one wants to walk lol something I thought the hand held missed too tbh.

But hey player made on this client doesn't have to be the case right!?

This actually seems to have been added since last I checked and I'm terribly mistaken XD Please lock this thread or remove it :P




As you have found out, there is indeed an option to mute the Bicycle and Surf tracks while on your adventure. I will leave a visual of it on this post :]


As for being the correct thread or not, we do indeed have a Suggestions thread, where you are free to post a suggestion that is not already there. Just make sure to follow the guidelines in this sticky thread :RowletHeart:


I'm glad that your situation was resolved. As such, I will be closing this thread. Have a nice day!



Edited by Straubs




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