Sin Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 (edited) NOTICE: I'm gonna take another break now after finally getting my 1st OT shiny rare, so shop won't have any updates in a while ^^ Everything here is still up for sell, so feel free to pm me in Discord at Sin#6417 for any inquiry. Have a great time in the game! o/ WELCOME ABOARD TO SIN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA POKESHOP! CROSS-SERVER DELIVERY Reveal hidden contents All Pokemon shown are currently in Gold server. OPTION 1: (1 CC/400K COST) I can ALWAYS move server, FOR ANY TRANSACTION, at an extra cost of 1 CC or 400K OPTION 2: (FREE) Free of Charge Cross-Server delivery is available if the purchase is 3M or Above (subjected to change) HOW TO CONTACT Reveal hidden contents - Discord: Sin#6417 - Forum (In this thread or PM me) - In-game name (IGN): Sin HOW TO PAY Reveal hidden contents By: - PokeDollars. - Coin Capsule (CC): 400K. - 15 Day Medalion (15d MS): 200K. - Rare Candies: 7K. - Reroll Ticket: 700k || Nature Reroll Ticket: 350k. LAST UPDATE Reveal hidden contents 22-FEB: 21 Poke added: Reveal hidden contents - Alomomola Epic Bold H.A. 24+ Except Spd - Bibarel 31 Spd Ada Simple - Camerupt Godly 25+ Quiet - Clefable Bold H.A. Good - Cloyster Epic Ada 23+ - Darmanitan 31 Spd Jolly - Emolga Epic Bold 23+ - Excadrill Ada Sand Rush Good - Flygon Epic Ada 22+ - Gengar 31 Spd Timid - Gigalith Godly 26+ Relaxed - Gyarados 31 Spd Ada - Huntail Epic Ada 23+ - Klefki Epic Impish 20+ - Lopunny 31 Spd Jolly - Muk Alolan Careful 19+ - 2 Reuniclus Bold Epic Magic Guard & Overcoat - Sceptile 31 Spd Timid 31/30 - Stoutland 31 Spd Ada Sand Rush - Vanilluxe Epic Modest 30/28 28-JAN: 32 Poke added: Reveal hidden contents - Epic 30 Spd 23+ Modest/H.A. Altaria - 31 Spd 30/31 Bibarel - Epic 31 Spd Modest Blastoise - 4 Epic Timid Chandelure - 31 Spd Ada Darmanitan - Boss Drifblim, Gorebyss, Cottonee, Wobbufett - 31 Spd 30/31 Veil Chomp - 3 Great Gardevoir Timid 30 Spd HP Fire, HP Fighting - 31 Spd Houndoom - 29/29 Jolly Nape - 25/28 Krookodile - 31 Spd Ada Medicham & Epic Jolly - 4 Epic Mimikyu 30 & 28 Spd - Epic 31 Spd HP Grass Pidgeot - Nice 25/28 Ada/Moxie Scrafty - 2 Epic Ada Swampert 31 Atk - Epic Sassy Torkoal - Nice Bold Musharna 7-JAN: 4 Poke Added: Reveal hidden contents - Great Ada Iron Fist Hitmonchan - Epic 22+ Clawitzer - Epic 21+ Durant - Godly Umbreon Careful 25+ ********************************************************************* THE POKEMON Reveal hidden contents A (Aerodactyl, Aegislash, Aggron, Alomomola, Altaria, Ampharos, Arcanine, Armaldo, Avalugg, Azumarill) Reveal hidden contents 3.5M - Aerodactyl - Epic 31 Spd Adamant H.A., great for Mega Aero 2.2M - Aerodactyl - 31/31 Suicide Lead 400K - Aerodactyl - 31/29 Suicide Lead 500K - Aegislash - Epic Bold Tank Toxic Sub Shadow 1.2M - Aggron - Epic 24+ Adamant Rock Head 250K - Aggron - Adamant Rock/Head 30/25 2.9M - Alomomola - 24+ Bulk Alomomostall 4M - Altaria - Epic 23+ Modest H.A. Offensive Mega (Weather Breaker) 250K - Ampharos - Boss Poke Moveset Ready (Eerie Impulse, Light Screen, Flash, T-wave) 1.1M - Arcanine - 31 Spd Ada/Inti 880K - Arcanine - 23+ 30 Atk Ada/Inti 800K - Arcanine - Timid HP Grass 31-30 700K - Arcanine - 24+ Careful/Flash Fire (Heatran who) 450K - Arcanine - Epic 21+ Timid/Inti 250K - Arcanine - Naive HP Water Good IV 430K - Armaldo - Epic 20+ Jolly Battle Armor 650K - Avalugg - Epic 20+ Relaxed/Ice Body 2.5M - Azumarill - Epic Max Spd Adamant 28/31/30 850K - Azumarill - Epic Adamant 31 Atk 01 Spd great Trick Roomer 250K - Azumarill - Jolly 29 Spd Surprised Speedster B (Banette, Bibarel, Bisharp, Blastoise) Reveal hidden contents 2.5M - Banette - Godly 31 Spd 25+, perfect for Boss or PvP 700K - Bibarel - Great Max Speed 30-31-30-26 Sword Dance Sweeper 650K - Bibarel - Great 31 Spd Bibarel 550K - Bisharp - 30 Atk 01 Spd Great in Trick Room 2.5M - Blastoise - Epic Max Spd Modest Mega Blastoise 800K - Blastoise - Epic 22+ Modest for Mega C (Carvanha, Chandelure, Chansey, Charizard, Clawitzer, Clefable, Cloyster, Cofagrigus, Conkeldurr, Crawdaunt, Cryogonal) Reveal hidden contents 700K - Carvanha - Max Spd Full trained 31 Spd 25 Atk for Boss or PvP (can still be evolved to Sharpedo with Mysterious Candy) Have a few more nice Carvanha for boss or PvP (all epic & high +Spd) for around 200k or more, PM me for pic 2.5M - Chandelure - Epic 30 Spd HP Ground Timid Flame Body 2.3M - Chandelure - Epic 29/30/30 + Timid Flame Body 1M - Chandelure - Nice 29/26 Timid Flash Fire 1M - Chandelure - Nice 31 Spd 31/28 Timid Flame Body 650K - Charizard - Jolly 28 Spd Great IV for Mega X 700K - Charizard - Jolly 31 Spd for Mega X 750K - Clawitzer - Great 31 Spd Modest 31/28 Featured in Frozen's channel: 1.3M - Clefable - Epic 4x26+ 1x21 Bold/Magic Guard 900K - Clefable - Epic 4x24+ Bold Magic Guard 550K - Clefable - 23+ Bulk H.A. Clef 500K - Clefable - Epic 21+ Bold Magic Guard 1.7M - Cloyster - Epic 23+ Ada 30 Spd 1.6M - Cloyster - Great 31/31 Jolly Sweeper 1.2M - Cloyster - Adamant 30/29 Great IV 1.2M - Cofagrigus - Epic Sassy 23+ Trick Room setter 2.5M - Conkeldurr - Great 31 Spd 30 Atk Adamant Guts 900K - Conkeldurr - 30/25/31 Adamant Sheer Force 750K- Conkeldurr - Adamant H.A. Great IV 2M - Crawdaunt - Adamant/H.A. 30/30 Stallbreaker 1.8M - Cryogonal - Rare Epic 22+ Calm Spdef Tank/Spinner/Haze D (Darmanitan, Dodrio, Donphan, Dragonite, Dusclops) Reveal hidden contents 3.8M - Darmanitan - Epic 30 Spd 23+ Adamant 2.5M - Darmanitan - Great 31 Spd 29/29/31 Adamant 2.5M - Darmanitan - Great Jolly 31 Spd 28/31 1M - Darmanitan - 31 Spd Nice Jolly 220K - Darmanitan - Decent Adamant 22/27 680K - Dodrio - Epic 22+ Jolly/Early Bird 2.2M - Donphan - Epic Near Godly 24+ Impish 31 Spd S.O: 13M - Insta: 15M - Min bid 200k - 5 Day auction Rash H.A. 31/31/29. One of the best Rain Nite in game. 3.2M - Dragonite - Epic Modest Rain Nite 22+ 2.6M - Dragonite - 30 Spd Great Adamant Nite 480K - Dusclops - 25/27/28 Impish Trick Room setter 450K - Dusclops - Epic 21+ Bold Trick Room setter E (Eelektross, Electivire, Emboar, Emolga, Empoleon, Excadrill ) Reveal hidden contents 480K - Eelektross - Epic Impish Tanker 950K - Eelektross - Epic Bulk up Drain Punch Eel 700K - Electivire - Nice Mixed Attacker 550K - Electivire - Nice Mixed Attacker Hp Ground 300K - Emboar - Nice 28/30 Jolly Starter 750K - Emolga - Epic Fake Zapdos but can Encore o.o 700K - Empoleon - 31 Spd Sword Dance Penguin Emperor 900K - Excadrill - Great Ada 30 Atk Sand Rush Sweeper F (Ferrothorn, Florges, Flygon) Reveal hidden contents 1.7M - Ferrothorn - Epic Relaxed 23+ 1M - Ferrothorn - Great Sassy 24/30 350K - Florges - Epic Florges HP Ice 1.3M - Flygon - Epic 22+ 29/28 Ada Flygon G (Gallade, Garchomp, Gardevoir, Gastrodon, Gengar, Gigalith, Gliscor, Golem Alolan, Goodra, Gorebyss, Granbull, Greninja, Gyarados) Reveal hidden contents 1.4M - Gallade - Epic 31 Spd 30/31 Adamant for Mega or Choice Band 600K - Gallade - Epic Adamant, also moveset ready for level training (FS, Trick Room, Memento) (Also have other trash level training Gallade lvl 100 moveset ready for 150k each) 900K - Garchomp - 31 Spd 30/31 Sand Veil Chomp 1.8M - Gardevoir - Nice Trace HP Fire Max Spd (30) Mega Gardevoir to hit Scizor on switch-in 1.4M - Gardevoir - Nice Trace 30/28 HP Fighting (if u don't wanna click focus miss) 880K - Gardevoir - Nice Trace Timid 4x24+ 1.2M - Gengar - Great 31 Spd 31/26 2.7M - Gliscor - Epic 22+ Adamant 31 Atk All-out Attacker Star-featured in Frozen's channel: 850K - Golem Alolan - Great Heatran Trapper 2.5M - Goodra- Epic 22+ Spdef Vest Tanker 2.5M - Goodra - Godly H.A. Mixed Attacker 2.3M - Goodra - Offensive 31 Spd Timid 750K - Goodra - Bold Hydration Rain Tanker 450K - Goodra - Offensive 31 Spd Physical Goodra 780K - Gorebyss - Epic Shell Smash Sweeper 490K - Gorebyss - Calm 21/24/30 Boss Baton Passer Moveset ready 260K - Granbull - Boss Poke Moveset Ready (Charm, Reflect, T-wave) 350K - Gyarados - Nice 31 Spd Ada 25/31 H (Heracross, Hitmonchan, Houndoom, Huntail) Reveal hidden contents 3.7M - Heracross - Great 31 Sp H.A. Jolly Sweeper 2.8M - Heracross - Epic 31/30 Jolly/Guts 1.4M - Heracross - 31 Spd Adamant Guts Great Mega 1.1M - Heracross - Great 31 Spd Jolly Guts 500K - Heracross - Nice Lonely 30 Atk Heracross for Mega 450K - Heracross - Epic 21+ Jolly Guts 420K - Hitmonchan - Nice 4x25+ Chan Spinner 1.6M - Houndoom - 31 Spd 31/25 Great Mega I (Infernape) Reveal hidden contents 2.5M - Infernape - Epic 31/31/31 Modest Nape, great with Scarf/Vacuum Wave 950K - Infernape - Nice Jolly 29/29 4x21+ Nape+ J (N/A) Reveal hidden contents K (Kabutops, Kangaskhan, Kingdra, Klefki, Kommo-o, Krookodile) Reveal hidden contents 1.5M - Kabutops - Godly 27+ 2x31, no crit vs Bosses, also great for collection 800K - Kabutops - Nice 30 Spd 29/30 Swift Swimmer 1M - Kangaskhan - Jolly 31 Spd Nice Future Mega 2.9M - Kingdra - Epic 31 Spd Rain Abuser 1.8M - Kingdra - Great 31 Spd HP Grass (vs Gastrodon, Swampert, Seismitoad) 1.8M - Kingdra - Great Mixed Rain Kingdra 31 Spd 29/31/29 1.5M - Kingdra - Epic HP Fire Crit Kingdra (Focus Energy, Agility) 1.2M - Klefki - Epic Impish 20+ 600K - Kommo-o - Epic 21+ Tanker (Soundproof counter Z Kommo) 950K - Krookodile - Nice Jolly/Inti 25/28 Star-featured in Frozen's channel: 650K - Krookodile - Nice Jolly/Inti L (Lanturn, Linoone, Lucario, Ludicolo) Reveal hidden contents 200K - Lanturn - Boss Poke Moveset Ready (Eerie Impulse, Soak, T-Wave, Flash) 550K - Linoone - Nice Belly Drum Monster, Ability was just coded 2M - Lucario - Epic Mixed Attacker All 22+ 520K - Lucario - Great Adamant Luca 420K - Lucario - Jolly 31 Spd 30/31 420K - Lucario - Nice Adamant Luca Kanto M (Machamp, Magmortar, Mamoswine, Manetric, Mantine, Marowak, Medicham, Metagross, Milotic, Mimikyu, Musharna) Reveal hidden contents 1.2M - Machamp - Great Ada 31 Attack Lead 4x28+ 820K - Magmortar - Max Speed 30/31 Belly Drum Magmortar Mach Punch 900K - Mamoswine - Epic 24+ 4x24+ Adamant/H.A 250K - Manectric - 31 Speed Timid Nice Mega Mane 850K - Mantine - Great 25/30 Calm/Water Absorb Star-featured in Frozen's channel: 1.5M - Medicham - Ada 31 Spd 25/31 Mega Medicham 1M - Medicham - Epic Jolly 29/23 1.6M - Metagross - Epic Jolly Max Attack 21+ 1.5M - Metagross - Epic Jolly 23+ 900K - Metagross - Great 4x27+ Adamant 900K - Milotic - Epic 22+ Calm/Competitive Spdef Wall 270K - Milotic - Great Bold/Competitive 2x31 2.8M - Mimikyu - Epic Jolly 28/28 20+ 2.3M - Mimikyu - Great Jolly 30 Spd 2.3M - Mimikyu - Epic Jolly 25/28 22+ 1.4M - Mimikyu - Great Jolly 28/27 1.3M - Mimikyu - Epic Jolly 22+ 490K - Musharna - Great Bold 29/29/22 N (Ninetales) Reveal hidden contents 3M - Ninetales - Epic 31/31 HP Ice Timid/H.A. Sun Setter O (N/A) Reveal hidden contents P (Parasect, Pelipper, Pidgeot, Porygon-Z, Porygon 2) Reveal hidden contents 350K - Parasect - Damp (H.A.) Catcher to prevent Explosion 550K - Pelipper - Max Speed Offensive Modest 450K - Pelipper - Max SpAtk Offensive Modest 1.3M - Pidgeot - Epic 31 Spd HP Grass for Rotom 700K - Pidgeot - 31/29/31 great Mega 850K- Porygon-Z - Nice HP Ground Modest/Download 600K - Porygon-Z - Nice HP ground Timid/Adaptability Q (Quagsire) Reveal hidden contents 5M - Quagsire - Godly 25+ 31 Spd H.A. Stall Staples R (Raichu Alolan, Reuniclus, Roserade, Rotom-Wash) Reveal hidden contents 1.8M - Raichu Alolan - Max Speed Modest HP Ice Terrain Sweeper 500K - Reuniclus - Epic 23+ Overcoat Spore Absorber 400K - Roserade - Epic Bold/Natural Cure T-Spike setter S (Salamence, Sceptile, Scizor, Scolipede, Scrafty, Serperior, Shiftry, Shuckle, Slowking, Smeargle, Snorlax, Starmie, Steelix, Stoutland, Swampert) Reveal hidden contents 2.5M - Salamence - Godly Mixed Salamence HP Ground All 26+ 2.5M - Salamence - Max Speed HP Ground Special Attacker Salamence (star featured in Frozen's Youtube channel: 1.8M - Salamence - Jolly 31 Spd Nice DD Sweeper 1.4M - Salamence - Max Speed Jolly/H.A. 700K - Salamence - Epic Spdef Tanker/Defogger (Wish, Protect) 2.7M - Sceptile - 31 Spd 3x30+ Timid Great for Mega 1.3M - Sceptile - Epic 22+ 29 Spd Timid Great Mega 2.8M - Scizor - Epic 31 Spd Adamant/Technician 1.3M - Scizor - Spdef tank Careful 31 Spd for Mega Star-featured in Frozen's channel: 2.5M - Scolipede - Adamant/H.A. Max Speed SD Sweeper 1.5M - Scolipede - Great Jolly/H.A. 28 Spd 700K - Scolipede - Nice Adamant/H.A. 480K - Scrafty - Nice Ada Moxie 25/29/27 4M - Serperior - Great 31 Spd/H.A HP Ground 4x25+ 2M - Serperior - Nice HP Rock Serp against Volcarona, Torn, Flying Dragon 200K - Serperior - Nice Budget HP Ground Serp 420K - Shiftry - Nice Sun Sweeper 2.4M - Shuckle - Epic 24+ Hazard Lead 820K - Slowking - Epic Trick Room Setter 850K - Smeargle - Max Speed PvP/Boss/Catcher Have some Boss 25+ Spd Smeargle for 100k each, contact me on Discord Sin#6417 to buy. 400K - Smeargle - Nice IV Boss/Catcher 450K - Snorlax - Nice Offensive Choice Band Snorlax 1.2M - Starmie - Epic Bold Spinner 600K - Steelix - Nice Careful Mega Tank 1.2M - Stoutland - 31 Spd Ada Sand Rush 27/31 2.4M - Swampert - Epic 20+ Max Atk 31/24 Rain Sweeper 800K - Swampert - 31 Spd Mega Rain 620K - Swampert - Relaxed Stealth Rocker Great IV T (Tangrowth, Tentacruel, Togekiss, Torkoal, Torterra, Toxicroak, Tyranitar) Reveal hidden contents 1.2M - Tangrowth - Epic 30/30 Sassy 1M - Tangrowth - Nice Relaxed HP Ice 29/23/21 350K - Tentacruel - Epic Offensive Timid 25/30 1.3M - Togekiss - Max Speed 31/29 Flinch Kiss Good IV 1.1M - Togekiss - Huge bulk 31/30/29 Tank Kiss 500K - Togekiss - Nice 2x31 4x26+ Calm Kiss 600K - Torkoal - Epic Sassy 29/25/26 Sun Setter 380K - Torterra - Nice Sinnoh Starter 1.4M - Toxicroak - Nice 31 Spd Jolly Frog 700K - Toxicroak - Adamant Hitter Frog 820K - Tyranitar - Max Atk Brave Support or Trick Room T-Tar 230K - Tyranitar - Decent Careful Vest Support 230K - Tyranitar - Decent Adamant Tyranitar U (N/A) Reveal hidden contents V (Vanilluxe, Volcarona) Reveal hidden contents 1.6M - Vanilluxe - Epic Modest Snow Warning Hp Fighting for Tyran 750K - Hasty HP Ice all stats 20+ 750K - Volcarona - Max Spd 31/30 3x30+ 750K - Volcarona - Nice HP Rock against other Volca, Gyara, Flying Dragon 270K - Volcarona - Nice Calm Tank 4x25+ W (Whimsicott) Reveal hidden contents SOLD One of the best, if not best, PvP Whimsicott in game. Max Speed H.A. HP Fire Sun Sweeper with epic 23+ stats. X (Xatu) Reveal hidden contents 350K - Xatu - Nice Timid Xatu 230K - Xatu - Nice 4x23+ Xatu Y (Yanmega) Reveal hidden contents 400K - Yanmega - Nice Modest Speed Boost Z (N/A) Reveal hidden contents (Disclaimer: Some Poke belong to my friends and I'm selling for them) ********************************************************************* Wish you a happy journey in PRO. Until next time, Sin Edited April 28, 2022 by Sin 13 1 My PVP Shop - The Encyclopedia My Shiny Shop - The Boutique My Discord: Sin#6417 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sin Posted November 14, 2019 Author Share Posted November 14, 2019 Scizor 29 Atk sold, thanks for shopping :) 1 My PVP Shop - The Encyclopedia My Shiny Shop - The Boutique My Discord: Sin#6417 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sin Posted November 14, 2019 Author Share Posted November 14, 2019 Garchomp Jolly/H.A. 29/26 sold, thanks for shopping :) 2 My PVP Shop - The Encyclopedia My Shiny Shop - The Boutique My Discord: Sin#6417 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lux Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 (edited) Great & Good Value Pokemons Wish best luck for Sin's Shop Edited November 14, 2019 by Rakkuen 1 sadasdasdsadsadsadsadsadsa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sin Posted November 14, 2019 Author Share Posted November 14, 2019 Claris said: Great & Good Value Pokemons Wish best luck for Sin's Shop Thanks Cla <3 Garchomp Jolly H.A. Semi-Epic sold, thanks for shopping :) My PVP Shop - The Encyclopedia My Shiny Shop - The Boutique My Discord: Sin#6417 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fussamset Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 O. O The best alphabet shop i've ever seen. Every letter are filled up with epic mons, gl on selling bro. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sin Posted November 14, 2019 Author Share Posted November 14, 2019 Fussamset said: O. O The best alphabet shop i've ever seen. Every letter are filled up with epic mons, gl on selling bro. Haha, thanks for your kind words bro 1 My PVP Shop - The Encyclopedia My Shiny Shop - The Boutique My Discord: Sin#6417 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allsmell Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 (edited) Nice shop, wish u well selling Edited November 14, 2019 by Allsmell A-Z Pokémon Shop Gold - Open Shiny Shop Gold Discord: Allsmell#8974 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sin Posted November 14, 2019 Author Share Posted November 14, 2019 (edited) Allsmell said: ... Thank you ^^ Edited November 14, 2019 by SinLight My PVP Shop - The Encyclopedia My Shiny Shop - The Boutique My Discord: Sin#6417 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sin Posted November 14, 2019 Author Share Posted November 14, 2019 Togekiss Timid 31/31 and Goodra sold (You will be missed). Thanks for shopping! :) 1 My PVP Shop - The Encyclopedia My Shiny Shop - The Boutique My Discord: Sin#6417 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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