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Legends set ''saved''


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Hello, hello. Ok this is a pvp suggestion that i believe many of PvP players will agree with (hopefully). As we all know each account can have one legend type only, thats why its legend, one per acc. But as many of us know, many legends can be played with multiple sets, lets give an example: Zapdos can be played Bold or Timid. But we can only have one at a time.

So i came with an idea of, why wont we get a way, an NPC or something similar, that would save 2 sets on the same pokemon?

Let me explain. We would need at least 2 nature rerolls, and in case we cant to change again we would need another nature reroll to do so. The only thing that the NPC would save would be the Nature and the EVS (nopt just bc the trainning would be painful, but mostly the berries spent...) The ivs would stay exactly the same in each set, u would need to change them by using a reroll iv. I think this way we have an option to have 2 sets per legend, while only having 1 legend per acc!

Anyway other way would be, the nature reroll instead giving the nature to the legend, would unlock forever that nature on that legend. example: i would use 5 Nature rerolls on MEW(Timid, Jolly, Calm, Bold, Naive) and i would be able to swap between them all, since they would be unlocked, woudnt need more nature rerolls. and each time i change nature, the evs would be reset.

Honestly i do prefer the first one. :P


Hope you guys might agree with me, if not tell me why, give feedback, problems that this would cause, and solutions! :)

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Dont think we need a nature saver, its pretty cheap and easy to change nature atm,

Its also cheap to change EVs -- However it is a pain in the ass. Think some description of a set saver for Evs would be be good, However i think that you should have to save the set, then remove the evs with berries and retrain the 1st time for each set you want, also think there should be a charge, mabye 100k for swapping sets.


Probably a pain to code, rather they worked on other things,

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