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Surfed along Vermillion City and entered a new area, became stuck in trees. Please help.


Hello @Shrimpified.


I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused you.


For situations such as this, you can refer to THIS THREAED before making a forum post. Here are a few possible solutions to your problem, found in the thread earlier linked:

Player stuck

  • Try Alt+Tab
  • Use an Escape Rope
  • Try battling another player and losing, this should bring you back to your last visited Pokecenter
  • Try typing /ref into the chat bar, or clicking the refresh arrow on the bottom toolbar
  • Log out, and then back in


Please let me know if any of these work, or if they all fail to work. Please do not hesitate to reply!





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Do not contact Staff members for private support. Use the appropriate forums as it may be helpful to others.

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Hello @Shrimpified.


I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused you.


For situations such as this, you can refer to THIS THREAED before making a forum post. Here are a few possible solutions to your problem, found in the thread earlier linked:



Please let me know if any of these work, or if they all fail to work. Please do not hesitate to reply!


Thank you the escape rope worked!

Thank you the escape rope worked!


Hello again!


I'm glad you were able to get unstuck and resolve the issue! As such, I will be closing this thread.


If you have any more issues, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to make a post in the proper subforum!


I hope you have a great day!





General SupportPRO DiscordGame GuidesBug Resolution CenterRulesAppealsPunishment Policy Report Center

Do not contact Staff members for private support. Use the appropriate forums as it may be helpful to others.

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