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Shield Dust (Ribombee) doesn't work/not coded at all


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Thanks for releasing new mons last time. Would be so cool if Ribombee's main ability Shield Dust could be coded soon. I'm quite disappointed it wasn't done yet, since Kommo's uniqe move were coded.

It should prevent any 2nd effect of moves=no flinches, no status change from attacking moves, just main dmg from magma storm, no stat drops after moves like psychic or energy ball. I guess that's most important to make it OK.


Please take a look at it! Or at least let it work as Inner Focus now (which is most important part of Shield Dust), that won't take a lot of time to implement im sure.

Edited by Luohan
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discord: luohan#1745

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So, there is no hope to make the money and time I've invested for Ribombee well spent? Why did you even release such mon with no intention to fully code it in the nearest future?

It's Caterpie's main ability too, that shows how far the game progress is.


Simple example to show how its important.


1. sash ribombee Vs scarf toge:

a) 40% to set up sticky web or QD istead of 100%;

b) 40% to avoid flinch x 80% to stun spore = 32% instead of 80% you should have.


2. sash ribombee vs heatran

a) bulky timid

252 SpA Ribombee Hidden Power Ground vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Heatran: 204-240 (52.8 - 62.1%) -- 98.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

b) calm

252 SpA Ribombee Hidden Power Ground vs. 252 HP / 176+ SpD Heatran: 156-188 (40.4 - 48.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery


Meaning, if the magma storm 2nd dmg or lava plum burn won't break the sash, fast heatran dies in almost every scenario.


Thanks for understanding how important this ability is. Thought releasing this mon may a little fix conk-scarf toge meta, but seems it's not.

Edited by Luohan
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discord: luohan#1745

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Hello @Luohan,


I am sorry for the late reply and for the caused inconvenience.

I understand after hunting a lot or spending money on it, finding out the ability wasn't coded is frustrating.

I have forwarded your request to code Shield Dust to the developers.


Keep an eye out on announcements in PRO Discord as this will be the place where it will most likely get announced once coded.

Hope this informed you for the moment. I will make sure to reply aswell when it's coded and works in the game.


Have a good day.

Kind regards, Contrary

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