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The Power of One (Evolite)

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Greetings fellow humans and or Eevee trainers!


I am Evolite, also known as "that newbie guy who misspelled Eviolite"! I am a rather dapper young blood who revels in the thrill of turning cute, loveable Pokemon into warriors. My job? Training Eevees. Hobbies? Training Eevees. Goals? Training Eevees and their Eeveeloutions to defeat the Elite 4, and any poor sap that dares to defy the will of the great Eeveelution. However, when I am not training my Eevees to be the best in the entire known universe, I do mapping in my spare time in Tiled.


If you have any Eevee related questions, answers, or want to insult my Eevee pride, feel free to comment below. If you see me hanging around IRC or in game, send me offers of any Eevees you may have. if you have garbage IV Eevees,toss them my way so I can turn them into warriors!

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