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Blue Server!!


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112735 The only thing that is questionable is how many of you played MMORPGs in general and still ask such questions.


From my exp I expect this to happen:

- Forum wise: Like always most remains the same like general thread etc.. Probably trade related threads gonna be split into 2, same goes for guilds.

- Its going to make a difference. Obviously new players will most likely use the Blue server so the Red servers gonna stabilize over time capacity wise. Most veteran players gonna stick with Red and some might decide for a fresh start.

- New guilds gonna be created some community guilds can still communicate cross server over discord.

- Unless PRO staff decides to offer server transfers u can't share anything with your character created on the other server except maybe Coin currency and membership?


Fact is whatever happens = happens. QQing about it and questioning some decisions won't make a difference.


There a difference between QQing about it and making an actual questionable point. My point still will stand in the case of actual playability between both servers.

Forum wise, the changes I see related to the forum would obviously be for the best and I have no issue with any changes. Though for the game, IT REALLY DEPENDS on how FAR you got in the game.

Like you stated, Veterans will play on the Red server, which is pretty clear, yet you forget to ask, "How many veterans do we have that have got really far in the game?" or a better question of "How many people spent a lot of hours in the game".

With the new server, thankfully it will make the influx on the Red Server become less, yet a good chunk will still remain with the fact that all their progress is on the Red server and if a "server transfer" will never happen, they will definitely get a bit angered that they will have to start over (Mainly if they got a lot of great Pokemon the first run with perfect IV/EVs or stuff like that.)


I just know if this can be pointed/sorted out smoothly, most people won't have an issue and probably like the change.

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Honestly nothing big is coming out of this new server besides a shorter queue (maybe no queue) and the fact that it will be a fresh new server with nothing on it. People who are playing on the Red server can move to the Blue server and start on their own will, no one will make them move. This will obviously flow traffic away from the Red server to shorten queue like I mentioned. There might be a increase or decrease in prices on the Red server depending on who moves (Major buyers/Sellers), but that wont be that bad stuff like that will happen sooner or later. Red server will do just fine considering it has (I'm guessing) a stable economy with plenty of people who probably wont want to move. Blue server will take some time to adjust, so the people who just started playing and the people who migrated to the new server will have the hardest time. Prices will be all over the place most people will try to use prices from Red server most likely, it will take longer for players who run daycare's to get established same goes for the players who run the market. I can't name off everything but those are the points that I had in mind.


Again, stay on your server if you don't want to move you are not being forced what so ever. Red server's queue will slowly get better after this is done.

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There are so many new comers that will appreciate what the GM's did to the Blue Server like me and I've recruited 4 friends already and were just waiting for that Blue Server to be alive now we're just Q'ing as we speak (700) more and they just wanna cope around how the game works and i've talked to new comers as well and they like the idea.

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112739 I'm realy torn.


I absolutely HATE having to start over. I don't have too much time to play games already so I kinda want to spend that time making progress, not starting over. Not to mention all other games I like to play.


On the other hand, most of my friends weren't able to create an account. Most likely, the will start playing on the new server, while another friend and I will be on the first server and then we can't play together. This forces me to start over.. But I don't want to.


I guess we'll have to see, maybe server 1 will have less people on it. (Although in the morning in Europe it's kinda empty and I could start playing immediatly..


Buttt, I believe many people will think like me. They'll have their friends come to the main server, and stay themselves. I honestly think it would be waayyy better to have 2 servers, but the same charachter and stuff on both.


It's your choice if you wanna stay or leave nobody is forcing you mate.

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112666Unlike other posters before me, I am not too keen on restarting from Pallet town after I just now got to Cerulean City.

Grats. You won the 2016 award for most hilarious post.


*Shudders* I swear, if I ever get out of this city, Misty's gonna be watching me the rest of the game.

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