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Mantine can not learn Confuse Ray by breeding (Egg Move teacher)


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The egg move teacher doesn't show you the option to teach the move Confuse Ray to the pokemon Mantine.


It should be able to learn tho, according to bulbapedia: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/583319953021861899/749026388564115476/unknown.png

Hello @Johann14


As Norex pointed out, Mantine can only learn Confuse Ray in Gen 8, and as PRO uses Gen 7 mechanics, it is unable to learn the move.

Additionally, if you want to check out the egg moves that Mantine can learn in Gen 7, make sure to click on this:




I hope that cleared up any doubts you had regarding Confuse Ray.

I will lock this thread now, if you have any further questions, feel free to make a new thread.


Thanks and have a lovely day.

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