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SHINY Gible Impish [Cross Server]

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Hello everyone; :PikaLurk:


Today, an auction for this Shiny Gible Impish Sand Veil.


This is a CROSS SERVER AUCTION: As a seller, I'll be available to trade this pokemon in BOTH servers ; Silver and Gold. Players from both servers can bid without any fee. This pokemon is actually in the Gold Server but I can transfer if needed !





S.O. (Start Offer) : 25M (25000k) pokedollars

Insta : None

Duration : 5 days after the start (120 hours)

Available Payements : Pokedollars - CC (380k) - Reroll Tickets (700k)

Minimum Bid : 400k


B.O. (best offer): Oanhtho1605

Ending Time: 30.11.2020 - 13h59 GMT +0


Gl Hf :worryyes:

Edited by Alixx7

Contact :

InGame : Yauga - Moffteria

Discord : yauga - previously Yauga#5022


Enjoy the Game

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