Exotyc Posted November 22, 2020 Author Share Posted November 22, 2020 (edited) Quote ▹ Level 100 Scizor with 20+ ATK & DEF IVs with 200+ ATK EVs (Does not have to be OT) ▹ 3x Bug-type Pokemon (level 100 recommended) Quote To start the quest, head to National Park in Johto and talk to Bugsy who is in the center. He will tell you that he's hosting a competitive Bug-focused event. In order to participate, you have to show him a Scizor that is level 100 with 20+ ATK & DEF IVs with 200+ ATK EVs. The Scizor doesn't necessarily need to be OT, it can be a friend's one. Spoiler Quote After showing him the Scizor, you need to fight the NPCs to win the tournament brackets to get to the finals. Be aware the NPCs have 3 level 100 Pokemon, and you can only fight with Bug-type Pokemon in your party. Having a Volcarona here is recommended. After each fight, talk to Bugsy again. NPC Debbee Her team: Ribombee - Beedrill - Vespiquen Spoiler NPC Brad His team: Heracross - Pinsir - Escavalier Spoiler NPC Jeremy His team: Shedinja - Scolipede - Armaldo Spoiler NPC Ralph His team: Galvantula - Volcarona - Drapion Spoiler After defeating all four NPCs, and winning the tournament, you will be crowned as the King of the Bugs. The prize for being the best Bug Trainer he has ever seen, will be the Scizorite. Edited November 23, 2020 by Exotyc 1 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-916110 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted November 22, 2020 Author Share Posted November 22, 2020 (edited) Quote ▹ Able to enter the Halloween Map ▹ Completed the First part of Halloween event ▹ Having successfully beaten Umbra (Mega-Gengar) in the Dark Realm. Quote Be aware that you can only get the Mega Stone during the Halloween event! The Gengarite is an exclusive item that has been introduced during the Halloween event of 2020 as a secret addition upon defeating the Umbra NPC in Nightmare Battlefield. Head north of Murky Town until you reach Ghoul Swamp, and then follow the path to reach Unison Mountain South Summit. You must then enter the shrine in Unison Mountain and interact with Spirit-sealer Selina to begin the quest. After talking to her, enter the room and you will be teleported to the Nightmare Battlefield. Spoiler In order to obtain the Gengarite, you have to win the mini-game. The mini-game in Nightmare Battlefield is a turn by turn game where the goal is to defeat all the Pokemon on the field in order to access the Umbra Boss. You will have every pokemon you recruited in the Dark Realm available to you More information about the explanation & guide of the mini-game can be found in this thread. Edited November 23, 2020 by Exotyc 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-916111 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted October 21, 2021 Author Share Posted October 21, 2021 Quote ▹ Sinnoh Champion ▹ Level 100 Garchomp (not OT) with max happiness ▹ A Pokemon with Rock Climb or Abseil Rope Quote Head to the Pokemon Center of Snowpoint City and speak with Cynthia. She will tell you about her new discovery, a relic. Spoiler After talking to her head to Celestic Town, enter the Ruins and speak to Cynthia's Grandma. Spoiler She will tell you to go to the Canalave Library as she cannot decrypt the ancient language from the relic. Quote At the 2nd floor of the library, you have to speak with Cynthia. Now, you have to interact with the bookshelves to find more information about the language. The right bookshelf is on the 1st floor. Spoiler After this, speak with Cynthia and then meet her at Professor Rowan's Lab. He will help us decrypt the ancient code. Spoiler Talk to Prof Rowan and Cynthia in the Lab. Spoiler After the dialogues, head to Sendoff Spring which is located east of Route 214. Quote Enter Sendoff Spring, talk with Cynthia and head to the summit until you reach the lake. Disclaimer: Talking to the Tourist will trigger a battle. Make sure to have your team ready as he consists a team of 6 level 100 Pokemon. The suspicious Tourist who is actually a treasure hunter has the other piece of the relic and wants the whole object to resell it. Spoiler His team: Spoiler After defeating the treasure hunter, he flees away. You obtained the other part of the relic but it's not over yet. Spoiler Speak with Cynthia, she will tell you that the complete relic is a sundial, which only works between 4 am and 5 am. Spoiler Come back at this time and prepare for the last fight against Cynthia, she has to check if you are worthy for the Garchompite. Do not forget to bring a level 100 Garchomp with max happiness. The fight will start once you're in this position Spoiler She has a team of 6 level 100 Pokemon: Spoiler Congratulations! You have successfully defeated her and earned the Garchompite! Spoiler 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-1051169 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted October 21, 2021 Author Share Posted October 21, 2021 Quote ▹ Able to enter the Bug Catching Area (Johto) Quote Equally to the Heracronite, after every 3 wins in the Bug Catching Contest, you will randomly receive the Heracronite or Beedrillite. The Bug Catching Contest is located in the Stophouse between National Park and Route 35. Speak to the Officer NPC at the top left of to enter the Bug Catching Area. Spoiler 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-1051170 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted October 21, 2021 Author Share Posted October 21, 2021 Quote ▹ Johto Champion The Pokemon that have to be shown to the NPC must be OT, more information down in the thread: ▹ A Pokemon with Plus ability ▹ A Pokemon with Minus ability ▹ A Pokemon known to have the most resistances ▹ An Electric type Pokemon immune to Ground type moves ▹ An Electric type Pokemon immune to Water type moves ▹ An Electric type Pokemon immune to Grass type moves ▹ An Electric type Pokemon immune to Dragon type moves ▹ An Electric type Pokemon immune to Electric type moves (Detailed version down in the thread) Quote Head to Olivine City Lighthouse 5F and speak to Jasmine. She tells you that the Ampharos is having difficulties to guide a cargo through the fog. After the dialogue, speak to the Scientists who maybe have a solution. Spoiler Scientist Marc will ask for a Pokemon with the ability Plus. Plusle is the easiest to catch because it's not the hidden ability. Spoiler The light has been increased but it's still not sufficient. Talk to Scientist Corey now, he will ask for a Pokemon with the ability Minus. Minun is the easiest to catch because it's not the hidden ability. Spoiler It's still not sufficient, now talk to Scientist Albert. He explains that the previous Scientists were right but he wants to mega evolve the Ampharos. He knows someone in Kanto who has been reported for having an Ampharosite and that he's studying the rarest Electric type Pokemon. Spoiler The dialogue tells us that the Power Plant in Kanto is the right area to find Raijing. Quote Speak with Raijing. He will not lend us the Ampharosite until you prove your worthiness to him. You have to show him a Pokemon with the most resistances to other Pokemon types, which is Magnemite and its evolutions. Spoiler Show him an Electric type Pokemon that is immune to Ground type attacks. The only 2 electric Pokemon with Levitate ability are Rotom and Tynamo and its evolutions. Alternatively, you can use Emolga, Thundurus or Zapdos as well. Spoiler Show him an Electric type Pokemon that is immune to Water type attacks. Chinchou and Lanturn are the only Electric type Pokemon which have the immunity against Water type. Water Absorb is also their hidden ability. You may use a Black Medalion as it will be useful for the next Pokemon that have to be shown too. Alternatively, you can show him a Helioptile with the ability Dry Skin. Spoiler Show him an Electric type Pokemon that is immune to Grass type attacks. Only Blitzle and its evolution have the ability Sap Sipper which is also their hidden ability. Spoiler Show him an Electric type Pokemon that is immune to Dragon type attacks. Only Dedenne has this immunity because of its Fairy type. Spoiler The last one will be an Electric type Pokemon that is immune to Electric type attacks. Volt Absorb, Lightning Rod or Motor Drive ability work. Recommended to show are: Chinchou, Jolteon, Thundurus-Therian, Electrike and Blitzle as they don't require hidden ability. Spoiler Now prepare yourself as the last task is to battle and defeat Raijing. Quote You cannot use a Ground Type Pokemon or any with the ability Mold Breaker. Spoiler He has a team of 6 level 100 Pokemon: Spoiler After defeating him, head to the lighthouse again where he will wait for you. Spoiler Quote On the 5th floor, talk to Scientist Albert. Ampharos mega evolves and the light coming from him is sufficient now. Spoiler Talk to Raijing now. He will grant you with the power of the Ampharosite! Spoiler 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-1051171 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted October 21, 2021 Author Share Posted October 21, 2021 Quote ▹ Able to enter Sootopolis City (Hoenn) The following Pokemon don't have to be OT, but they must have at least 200 happiness and able to learn Cotton Guard: ▹ Mareep or evolution ▹ Cottonee or evolution ▹ Maractus ▹ Swirlix or evolution Quote Head to Sootopolis City House 4 and speak with Lisia. Help Lisia with her outfits for the upcoming contests around Hoenn. Spoiler She will ask you to go to Lilycove City and bring her a Pokemon from the Mareep family with the move Cotton Guard. Spoiler Quote Arriving at Lilycove City, speak with her and show the Mareep, Flaaffy or Ampharos with the move Cotton Guard. She will enter the contest with the outfit and will let us know the next destination is Verdanturf Town and mentions she needs a Cottonee or Whimsicott now. Spoiler Quote Arriving at Verdanturf Town, speak with her and show the Cottonee or Whimsicott with the move Cotton Guard. She will enter the contest with the outfit and will let us know the next destination is Fallarbor Town and mentions she needs a Maractus now. Spoiler Quote Arriving at Fallarbor Town, speak with her and show the Maractus with the move Cotton Guard. She will enter the contest with the outfit and the final destination is Slateport City where you need to show her a Swirlix or Slurpuff. Spoiler Quote Arriving at Slateport City, speak with her and show the Swirlix or Slurpuff with the move Cotton Guard. She will enter the contest with the outfit. After that, she tells us to go back to Sootopolis City as she has a surprise for us. Spoiler Quote She used the cotton that she had left to make a cute outfit for her Altaria. Now she asks to battle you. She has only a level 100 Mega Altaria with dramastically increased defensive stats. Spoiler After defeating her, she will thank you for helping out by rewarding you with the Altarianite! Spoiler 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-1051172 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted October 21, 2021 Author Share Posted October 21, 2021 Quote ▹ Able to enter Cinnabar Lab Room 3 (Defeated Cinnabar Gym) Quote Head to Cinnabar Lab 3 on Cinnabar Island and talk to R'ual. He'll ask you to consider helping him with his research on Mega Charizard. Spoiler The first task: Show a Pokemon that is mono type Fire, knows a flying move and is at least level 60. (doesn't have to be OT) Recommended: Teach Growlithe, Arcanine, Charmander, or Charmeleon Aerial Ace from the move tutor in Route 16. Spoiler The second task: Show a Pokemon that is not a Dragon type, is a Flying type, knows Dragon and Fire moves and is at least level 60. It cannot be a Charizard and must have at least 60 total IVs between ATK, DEF, SPATK and SPD combined. Recommended: Gyarados with the moves Dragon Dance & Flamethrower or Pidgeot with Heat Wave & Gust as most players have them. Spoiler The third task: Show an OT Pokemon that is a Dragon type, knows Dragon Dance, knows a Fire type move, has at least 25 IVs in ATK or SPATK, has at least 252 EVs in ATK or SPATK and is level 100. Recommended: Altaria, Dragonite, Salamence, Haxorus, Kommo-o, Flygon, Latios, Tyrantrum. All of them know Dragon Dance and have at least one Fire type move. You may have them lain around in your PC. Spoiler Quote After showing him the Pokemon, he will battle you. His party consist of a team of 6 level 100 Pokemon. Spoiler Defeating him will grant you the Charizardite X! Spoiler 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-1051173 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted October 21, 2021 Author Share Posted October 21, 2021 Quote ▹ Able to enter Route 121 ▹ Absol with at least 22 IVs on ATK and SPD (must be OT) ▹ Team to battle (level 100 recommended) Quote Head to Route 121, which is West of Lilycove City, and speak with the Tournament Judge. Spoiler In order to win the Absolite, you need to win the tournament by defeating all 4 NPCs. Losing against any NPC will restart the quest once again. Disclaimer: After talking to the NPC, and join the tournament, you have to wait 4 hours and 48 minutes in real life but not longer than 9 hours and 36 minutes, as you would be too late to join the tournament! In order to join, you need to pay 5000$ fee. The first three rounds are 3v3, and the final battle is 3v6. You can bring 6 Pokemon to the tournament, however only 3 can be used in each fight. Recommended Pokemon to bring are Bisharp, Banette, Chansey, Volcarona or Destiny Bond teams. In case you come too late, you have to pay 5000$ fee again and wait until the preparation is over. Spoiler Quote Speak to the Tournament Judge again and show him an OT Absol with at least 22 IVs on ATK and SPD. Your team will be registered and cannot be changed until the end of the tournament. After each battle, you can heal up your Pokemon by talking to the Tournament Judge. The first trainer is Richard. He has a team of 3 level 100 Pokemon. Spoiler The second trainer is Nathan. He has a team of 3 level 100 Pokemon. Spoiler The third trainer is Isaac. He has a team of 3 level 100 Pokemon. Spoiler The last battle is against Serena. She has a team of 6 level 100 Pokemon, one of which is a Mega Absol. Spoiler You can claim your prize now by talking to the Tournament Judge. Congratulations! For winning the entire tournament, he will reward you with the Absolite and additionally 30000$! Spoiler 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-1051174 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted October 21, 2021 Author Share Posted October 21, 2021 Quote ▹ Able to enter Amity Square ▹ A Pokemon with Rock Smash or Pick Axe ▹ A female OT Lopunny Quote Head to Amity Square, which is North of Hearthome, and speak with the shiny Lopunny near the fountain. She is actually a cosplayer and is organizing a beauty contest for Lopunnies. Starting the quest, you have to find 3 other participants. The first participant is hiding at a school. Spoiler Quote The only known school in Sinnoh is in Jubilife City. Spoiler Head back to Amity Square and speak with the cosplayer to get the next clue about the second participant. She is chilling out in a cold place. Spoiler Quote There are a few places where it is cold, but let's head to Mt. Coronet Summit. To get there, you need a Pokemon with Rock Smash or a Pickaxe. Spoiler Head back and she tells us that the last participant is surrounded by flowers. Spoiler Quote Let's visit Floaroma Meadow and find her! Spoiler Quote Now that all participants have been brought to her, you can finally start. You have to register a female Lopunny that has more than 12 points following this point system, unaffected by level or happiness: Spoiler Cute Charm ability gives 3 points. Docile, Modest or Gentle nature give 3 points. Being shiny or any other special form give 3 points and finally depending on the move set it sums or substract the points: After You, Encore, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Magic Coat, Mirror Coat, Work Up give 1 points. Baby-Doll Eyes, Charm, Helping Hand, Teeter Dance give 2 points. Attract, Captivate, Sweet Kiss give 3 points. Fake Out, Hyper Voice, High Jump Kick give -3 points. Winning the contest will grant you with the Lopunnite. Spoiler 2 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-1051175 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exotyc Posted October 21, 2021 Author Share Posted October 21, 2021 Quote ▹ Able to enter Hoenn ▹ An OT Glalie with less than 75 IVs in total ▹ 6 Ice type Pokemon ▹ A Pokemon with Flash Quote To start the quest, interact with the bookshelf in the Vermilion Library. Spoiler It will tell you the history about a mysterious stone made of ice, which was so powerful that only the heat of Groundon could break the stone into four fragments. Trainers took the fragments and hid them inside rocks at different locations: Ice Path, Seafoam Island, Lake Acuity and Shoal Cave. After reading the book, you can search for the fragments in any order. Quote The Ice Path is located in Johto between Blackthorn City and Route 44. Head to Ice Path B1F and interact with this ice stone. Spoiler It will start to show you a morse code riddle. Translated, it means you have to wait 2 ingame minutes and then interact with the stone again. If interacted below or above 2 minutes, the timer will restart. After a few times interacting, you get the first fragment. Spoiler Quote The next fragment will be in Seafoam Island B4F. You have to bring a Pokemon with Flash as the morse code says so. Follow this path until you reach the stone. Spoiler Spoiler Once you interacted with the stone, you will get the second fragment. Spoiler Quote Interact with the stone after you reached Lake Acuity. It will tell you to swim around the Lake Acuity border anti-clockwise. Spoiler Spoiler Interact with the stone now, and you will get the third fragment. Spoiler Quote The last fragment will be waiting for you at the Low Tide Ice Room in Shoal Cave (North of Mossdeep City), which can only be reached between 3:00 to 9:00 and 15:00 to 21:00 Poké time. You are required to have an OT Glalie with less than 75 IVs in total with you. It has to be placed in the last slot of your party as the morse code says so. Once interacted, you get the last fragment. You now have to find an expert on old rocks. He is located in Pewter City Museum. Spoiler Quote Scientist Paul will help you fuse the four fragments together with the condition of having 6 Ice Pokemon in the team. The fused fragments seem to be a Mega Stone. Congratulations! You have earned the Glalitite. Spoiler 2 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution Center ✘ Complaints Area ✘ Report Center 】 Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/page/2/#findComment-1051176 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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