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Hello @Norex, Thanks for replying 

I will just suggest to set this off as this gives an extra edge to the players to whom this is working. There shouldn't be any unfair advantage / disadvantage to the players from game point of view. 

& I will also suggest a proper notification when this things are reworked & completely started working.


As of again, It seems moderators are ignoring my post. Its a humble request to kindly clear any differences, if any

And do reply. As I can see if any moderator has checked this thread or not. And I have seen Community Co-Ordinator looking to post but not replying. 

Its kind of rude behavior from your end.





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Hi there@0PaRk3R0

I apologize for the inconvenience as well as the delay.

The issue was being looked into by the Content Scripter team, and should now be completely fixed. 
I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been solved. If you run into any further issues, feel free to make a new one.


Thanks for your patience and have a great day!

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