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Hide & Seek!


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Seems its still bugged for a few places 

For Eg. For the hint: This pokemon likes the places where is alot houses & shops, 

While the futher hint: Evergreen Island (Where i thought it would be)

Already seen more than a couple of times, Couldn't found it. Seems bugged .. Kindly check! 

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Hello @0PaRk3R0


Sorry for the inconvenience.


I can assure you that the quest has been fixed and there shouldn't be any bugs to finding the Pokemon.

It's true that the Pokemon you are trying to find likes places where there are alot of houses and shops (Which is Evergreen Island Village), but that just means that it could spawn anywhere in the map (Evergreen Island Village)like the forest area near Christmas Chris's house, or on top of the hills near the bridge, and not just the spots near the houses and shops. The first hint simply helps you figure out what map the Pokemon is hiding in.


I hope that helped clear any doubts you had regarding the quest.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.


Have a great day!

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