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  kokas said:
A good time to say: "Dear Noobs, stop being Noobs!"


The developers have more to think and do than worry about some of u who dont want to WASTE TIME going back and foward to pokecenter, because obviously u play a game to not WASTE TIME.


Greetings and gl on ivs and training


You realize you don't have to be rude about it? I am simply stating a fact that I don't think my party should be wiped out from one little lvl 2 rattata. I enjoy this game, I just pointed out something that may need to be adjusted.

Between the XP curve complaints and this, I think the community could afford to lose the attitude when it comes to constructive criticism. Getting swept by a Rattata is not particularly fun in my opinion, and while I wouldn't especially mind the difficulty being turned up I don't believe "Status quo or GTFO" is the way to handle stuff like this.

  kokas said:
119214 A good time to say: "Dear Noobs, stop being Noobs!"


The developers have more to think and do than worry about some of u who dont want to WASTE TIME going back and foward to pokecenter, because obviously u play a game to not WASTE TIME.


Greetings and gl on ivs and training


Nobody is impressed that you can walk to the pokecentre after every couple of battles in a children's RPG.


This game has the most toxic community i've ever encountered. You can't discuss anything about the game without some kid butting in to call you a noob because you think a pointless, unfun part of the game is pointless, unfun and doesn't add anything to the game.


Since apparently you have a hard time understanding this, people play games as a form of recreation. If i wanted to just waste time i would sit in a chair and stair at a wall for several hours. The bar for what can be considered entertainment is a little higher than that.


Killing overtuned Rattatas isn't a demonstration of skill, of your mastery of the pokemon battle system. When you only have 1 pokemon and all it can do is tackle, there's not much strategic planning going on there. It's just asinine, and the only people who would defend it are people who have such little going on in their life that they derive their self worth from how much grinding they were willing to endure in a children's RPG.


Your comparison to IV hunting is ridiculous by the way. IV hunting is completely optional, many people play through the game without worrying about it. Hunting for perfect IVs and rare pokemon is where the grindy aspects should be, rather than the very first thing that new players have to do.

Nobody is impressed that you can walk to the pokecentre after every couple of battles in a children's RPG.

->> Here is MMO guys, not children's RPG or handheld.

This game has the most toxic community i've ever encountered. You can't discuss anything about the game without some kid butting in to call you a noob because you think a pointless, unfun part of the game is pointless, unfun and doesn't add anything to the game.

->> Everygame always have toxic guys, if you play LOL, you will know well how is toxic community. Additionally, the dev have been apply the things from recommend of community. If you don't know clearly about that, please don't said the thing you don't know well. The queue is application from the recommend of players. Every recommends need to discuss more deeply before applying. Not from one side!

Since apparently you have a hard time understanding this, people play games as a form of recreation. If i wanted to just waste time i would sit in a chair and stair at a wall for several hours. The bar for what can be considered entertainment is a little higher than that.

->> Again MMO means time consuming, you can chose the ways you waste time. I know you don't really know all about game, so you said it waste time. Let me said about that I so busy in game as doing daycare services. Moreover, you can headbutt everyday for rare pokemon, pick up berry, hunt rare pokemon and sell for more money, beat BOSS, doing celedon daily quest and so on. Did you do all things? Instead you talk about the negative, you can join the guild with same side people. Sharing and talking, that is very fun, don't you?

Killing overtuned Rattatas isn't a demonstration of skill, of your mastery of the pokemon battle system. When you only have 1 pokemon and all it can do is tackle, there's not much strategic planning going on there. It's just asinine, and the only people who would defend it are people who have such little going on in their life that they derive their self worth from how much grinding they were willing to endure in a children's RPG.

->> Again PRO is not children's RPG and I understand about this problems (Rattatas). However, you can take solution by catch others pokemon in team and then help you saving slot - for not blackout in low level.

Your comparison to IV hunting is ridiculous by the way. IV hunting is completely optional, many people play through the game without worrying about it. Hunting for perfect IVs and rare pokemon is where the grindy aspects should be, rather than the very first thing that new players have to do.

->> Let me said everyone always from newbie, and the ways newbie become oldie are the experience and helping from community. In the process of game, the gym leader teach you how to explore the weakness of team enemy, the story part helps you go in similar to Pokemon manga (with some adjust) and so on. These things make you growth up in game process and then when done e4, you begin the new start by hunt rare pokemon, beat BOSS Lv120 and IV - these thing can get from previous exp in the past story process.

I kinda like it the way it is, makes it more of a challenge instead of just running through gen1 as is again.


[glow=#4682B4]~Even if we painstakingly piece together something lost, it doesn't mean things will ever go back to how they were.~[/glow]

PRO isnt meant to be 'handheld easy'. if you came here expecting to walk all over NPCs, and steamtoll the game like them, you would be sorely mistaken.


PRO is meant to be more difficult and challenging. Sure, you dont need to worry about stats to do the main story, but endgame content requires you have good pokemon (Boss Battles and other things like that).


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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