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Can we get Banned in Pro for using 2 accounts in same device?


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33 minutes ago, LegendRed55 said:

can u explain me plz if we play the game with two different accounts in pc is it legal or I will get ban..? 

You can use up to 4 account in same device 

But you cannot pvp with more then 2 account and 

In pvp ladder not more then one account 


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Hello @LegendRed55


Each person is allowed up to 4 accounts, as stated by Rule 2 of our Game Rules.


2.Each person is allowed a maximum of four owned accounts.
This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Any account created counts towards your 4 total, not just active ones. 0 hours, 0 badges, never played on? They count.
    • Received accounts, count towards your total.
    • Given away accounts, do not count towards your total anymore.
    • Received/Given away only count if you changed the password/email of said account otherwise it still belongs to the original creator
  • Exploiting more than 4 allowed accounts in order to gain mass profit or frequently gaining large amounts of income. If someone has quit PRO and gave their account to you, take anything you want at once and stop using it only if you already own 4 accounts. Be aware doing this may trigger a ban in which you will need to appeal and provide proper evidence of the account being given to you.
    • (Example: Having the password of more than 4 accounts you received by people who are inactive in order to fight bosses, doing PvE quests to receive rewards, or progressing during a Special Event in order to receive one time rewards such as Reroll Tickets, etc...)


You are allowed to play with more than 1 account on a device. You can also have several clients open at the same time.

Hopefully this cleared up your concerns. If you have more questions or concerns, please let me know.


Game Rules  |  Resolution Center  |  PRO Wiki

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