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we have a region lock problem :

First WE trade adragen scale for Money then i ASK heey can WE trade for gengar EVO after thet WE found Out taht He can Take Out of Box because ITS from jotho.we discuss how WE can Swap and short my Internet shut down He was wait of me and her WE are


I Lurrkes trad Max2strat my genga for his persian after we chekct we cant trad it back i gave him first his persean back but he cant give me the hunter/genga not back .he confirmt that that all happend


Your Haunter has been returned. 
Kind regards - Incandescent 

Edited by Incandescent
  • Checked/Done 1
  • 2 weeks later...


there is no poke screenshot, but it's Hunter and Damianwayne4 is supportive with this issue. He can't link it because it's locked =/


Silver server


Poke is from Sinnoh region

Edited by Vasilisck1994
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Captura de pantalla 2024-08-31 a las 14.36.31.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-31 a las 14.35.50.png



Im Harkyesp. Fonske asked me for help to evolve his pokemon, a haunter and a graveler. I agreed and took the chance to evolve a machoke, and lent him a hypno to make space in the team. I gave his pokemon back, but my machocke and hypno got region locked in his PC. 

I have returned your pokemon. 
Kind regards - Incandescent 

Edited by Incandescent
Added context
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I traded my Clamperl with my girlfriend in hopes to evolve it to Huntail, unfortunately we clicked over the region locked message and I didnt realize that its locked completely and cant be traded back. 

Attached is a screenshot of convo ingame to show both parties agree to reversing that trade. GF playing on steamdeck so its unfortunately just a picture of the screen ))

Playing on Gold, Arthumes
Clamperl ID: 76196121


I have returned your Clamperl. 
Kind regards - Incandescent 

Edited by Incandescent
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My username Tacticalotaku and I traded with user Khitaro8 trying to evolve his clamperl but can no longer get it back to him. Is there someway to fix this? Please and thank you.


Playing on Gold server.


Clamperl has been returned to Khitaro8. 
Kind regards - Incandescent 

Edited by Incandescent
  • Checked/Done 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello so i wrote this already in the wrong forum




Ladies and Gentleman 


following problem ..on 4th of September at around 22:10 (GMT+1) I traded my friend my Lucario to help him do story . 
after the trade I realized that the region I caught it was sinnoh and he can’t use it at all . No problem so far because I thought he is running all 4 stories and I’m gonna get it back pretty quick .. 

but yeah here it comes he pretty much left for an unknown while the game and it looks like my lucario seems lost . Even when he would come online he can’t trade it because it’s in an locked region for him . 

so my question is : can you help me recover the Lucario back to my main ? I need it myself for an alt or for pve or even pvp I could use it . I’m gonna link again all informations I have .. u can still ask for more to verify if needed . i have screens of discord conversations but i think they are to private to show to everyone


my id - Shinymax420

friend id(where lucario is locked in box) - Molgerino

trade date 4th sep 24 22:10(gmt+1) 

- lucario id (look screenshot .. I screen every important trade poke)


I would be so happy if we can recover it and I can keep on using my sweety


thank you in advance 

best wishes Max


  • Checked/Done 1
  • 2 weeks later...



following a trade to evolve my Clamperl it got region locked in my friends PC. 
I forgot about the region lock so I am deeply sorry for causing this inconvenience.

We are playing on the Gold Server


my Name: AfThunder

friends name: Liamlola

Pokemon: Clamperl Lv.79 ID: 77016213 


(screenshot taken by Liamlola)


Thanks you for taking the time to solve this issue.

Best regards 




I have returned your Clamperl. 
Kind regards - Incandescent 

Edited by Incandescent
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My friend Imoxxiel and i were trading and they accidentally gave me a haxorus which i can't give back because it is region locked for me.  I'm still kinda new to the game and didn't realize what was happening during the trade.  The font makes it tough to tell, but Imoxxiel is spelled <capital i>moxxie<lower-case l>

source username: 8bit8bangs

target username: Imoxxiel
server: gold
pokémon id: 63836247

Here is our chat and a screen of the haxorus, showing they are the ot.  Please ignore the messages prior to 15:41:19, they were trying to show me how to paste the pokémon into chat.  (I was struggling cause I had to type the id; couldn't just click and drag).



Thanks and lmk if I can provide any more information 🧡

Haxorus has been returned to Imoxxiel. 
Kind regards - Incandescent 

Edited by Incandescent
  • Checked/Done 1
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello! I have spoken to my friend to help me evolve trade 2 pokemons, but after I have traded them, they were region locked for him and he couldn't trade me back, as he has not finished Kanto, and my pokemon were from Johto and Hoenn. 

I don't have screenshots with the conversation because we spoke directly irl.

These are the 2 pokemons screenshoted from his account. The server is Gold.

My username: Alexandru96

Friend username: Papamonts

If a confirmation is needed, I can get one from my friend.

Discord: velokrodot#6440


EDIT: I have received my Seadra as my friend has finished Johto region, so only Gurdurr remains to be recovered.





Edited by Alexandru96

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