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Pokemon Encounter chance


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I started playing not too long ago, now i made it to Hoenn and i keep Asking myself: "Having a Pokemon caught on your pokedex makes that pokemon, encounter chance increase? Makes it more likely to appear?" I don't really know the answer, so now i am her, asking you if is that true, because when i start running in the grass for the 80% of the time i encounter pokemons i already have caught in my pokedex and it's  frustating,

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Hey @Matteo172542

Having encountered the Pokemon before or having the seen or captured data for it, should not have anything with the encounter rates in the wild.


Pokemons have a rarity tier ranging from 1-10, where 10 is a Pokemon not found in the wild.

1 is the most common, and the highest tier found in the wild is 9.

The spawn rates number for each tier are sadly not made public.

However, if you are very unlucky, it could take an entire day just to find one tier 9 Pokemon.

And reversing this, it could also just take a few minutes to find several ones, depending on your luck.


There is also a much more efficient way to hunt a specific Pokemon, through the use of repel tricking.

However, this is not impacting the spawn rates. And not every Pokemon has a repel trick location.


TL;DR - No, Pokemon does not have better spawning rates if you've previously caught or seen it in the wild.

It all relies on different spawn rates, with different tiers, ranging from 1-9 for wild pokemon, where 10 is not catchable in the wild.


Hope this helps resolving your question.

Edited by Electrocute4u

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Greetings, @Matteo172542

Having caught the same pokemon previously in the Pokedex does not make its chance to appear increase 🙂 it is purely based on RNG and luck.

If you have more doubts, please let us know!

Kind regards,



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