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  • Administrator

Hi @ChrolloCole


Before continuing this thread - please ensure you have read the Trade Rules & Auction Rules and edit your post accordingly. You must either decide to run this a standard sale (at a set price, or accepting offers - but not accepting increases/bids whilst these offers are active), or as an auction.


You cannot take bids outside of an auction, and you must use proper auction formatting - essentially your current formatting allows you as the seller to accept offers with no deadline/pre-determined selling point, creating an endless auction.


In particular please pay attention to the following:

On 2/13/2019 at 10:19 PM, Hawluchaa said:

3. Offers received outside of an auction cannot be claimed or used as current or best offer. 


14. Accepted Payments may be offered as an additional or alternative form of payment to pokedollars. These must:

- Be specified by the seller.

- Be an item, and its value in pokedollars must be clearly specified by the seller.

 e.g. "1x Coin Capsule = 400K, 1x Reroll Ticket = 800K".

 Pokemon cannot be offered as an Accepted Payment.


 Forum: Please feel free to copy and paste the format below:

[Pokemon / Item]
Start Point/Price:
End Point:
Min. Raise:
Accepted Payment(s):


If not corrected, this thread will be locked.



Please do not contact staff members for private support.

Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.


This topic is now closed to further replies.
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