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  • Administrator

Hi @AsuraCrying00


Please do not bump your post more than once every 24hrs - this is mentioned in the Trade Rules:


On 6/21/2016 at 3:35 AM, Hawluchaa said:

6. Do not excessively bump your posts:

In-game: Must allow a minimum of 5 posts between each post. In-game auctions may be reposted a maximum of once every 1 minute, regardless of the number of posts between. 

Forum: May be bumped a maximum of once every 24 hours, including after the post has been created. 


Continuing to do so will result in a formal forum warning being applied to your account. 

  • Checked/Done 1



Please do not contact staff members for private support.

Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.


  • 2 weeks later...


I am locking this thread please remember in the future to post evidence of the trade when the pokemon is sold and change your title to sold or closed. So we can promptly close the auction thread.


  • Checked/Done 1



Please don't contact staff via private messages for support issues. Make a report here in the server you play in. View our Trade rules and Auction rules.  Appeals if you are banned and need to appeal. Region lock assistance

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