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  • Millonario95 changed the title to Ferroseed good evs auction starts at 100k ,it runs out in 7 days...cc, rr evs are accepted,
  • Millonario95 changed the title to Ferroseed good evs auction starts at 100k ,it runs out in 24 hrs...cc, rr evs are accepted,

Hi Millionario95,
The title of your thread suggests that you are accepting rerolls and CC as payment however you need to specify at what price these are accepted at. 
Please refer to the Auction Rules for more information. Below is a copy of the stated rule, please edit your post accordingly. Thank you and good luck with your auction. 
. Accepted Payments may be offered as an additional or alternative form of payment to pokedollars. These must:

- Be specified by the seller.

- Be an item, and its value in pokedollars must be clearly specified by the seller.

 e.g. "1x Coin Capsule = 400K, 1x Reroll Ticket = 800K".

 Pokemon cannot be offered as an Accepted Payment.

Sorry I had a lot of work and I was just going to publish that if you can cancel this since I already sold the pokemon to the person who won the auction, and also and for another reason excuse the inconvenience since I did not specify well in the details in the cell phone is a bit complicated 

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