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About me

Me, SweggerDegger (aka MadstonMagic) am a Minecraft 3D Modeler, but I like Pokémon a lot.
I've worked on server networks that are about Pokémon in Minecraft so hence why I began liking Pokémon more and more in general.

I've been playing PRO since 2016, but only since a year I've gotten into the actual mechanics of IV's/EV's/Natures etc.
And I have come across some special Pokémon during that adventure.
You can view them here, but also request to buy on of the Pokémon I have available for sale.
You can view all my Pokémon + some of my own personal specials for fun, and see which are up for sale and what I'm asking for them. (Mostly based on offers so I can approve or deny if I want to).







Website for all Pokémon that (may) be up for sale.

You can go to this website to take a look, reply here with a proper offer if you find something interesting.


Accepted offers:

Coin Capsule


In-game money (40k - 100k minimum)

Reroll Ticket(s)


Other Shinies / Event forms

Keep a look out for new shinies + event forms!


EV Service, currently open on request (Only 1 person atm)


Edited by SweggerDegger
Update accepted offers + EV open
1 hour ago, alfatrion1980s said:

Nice way of representation but add more pokemons, GL ❤️

I still have 4th of July pokemon left to add, so I'll add them later on.
But thanks for the feedback! :3

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On 8/29/2021 at 8:18 PM, EliteTrainer said:

Message me on Discord: Machiavelli#9138


I have a couple offers on your Pokemon

Which would you like to send offers for?

On 9/16/2021 at 2:30 PM, Minjayousos said:

price mankey?


It has a good +atk, 27IV's
So I'd like to ask 50K + 5 gems (Electric/Fire/Ice)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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