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Newspaper streak problem


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I bringed a treecko today for the newspaper 7 Day streak and got a reroll, and now i'm back where I catched the treecko in the first time, I don't have the reroll anymore and i've lost the streak too, it says i didn't bring the pokemon in time, but i gave it earlier today.


Pokemon gotta catch 'em all[highlight=yellow][/highlight]

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5 hours ago, Nagasak3 said:

I bringed a treecko today for the newspaper 7 Day streak and got a reroll, and now i'm back where I catched the treecko in the first time, I don't have the reroll anymore and i've lost the streak too, it says i didn't bring the pokemon in time, but i gave it earlier today.


Hey there!

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
There is a very high chance that this was caused by the server crashes today and thus a rollback.
Unfortunately, we don't have a way to check whether you really contributed your Pokemon or the time has ended.

Furthermore, it would be unfair towards other users who had a similar situation in the past if we refund your item without any proof and not theirs.
I'm really sorry once again as this might be very disappointing but please try to understand this.
I'll lock this thread as we cannot proceed further.
Have a nice day!

Kind regards,



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