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Suggestion for Nicknaming Pokemon...


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I'm sure I'm probably one of the few and far between who nicknames her Pokemon, but IT IS MAKING ME INSANE that I can't name my Pokemon on this game! So my suggestion is to please let us give our Pokemon nicknames!


I did put some thought into the mechanics of it, though.


I think nicknames should only be visible to the Trainer that owns the Pokemon. This would eliminate any potential confusion when battling other players. So instead of seeing "Trainer Kyramei sent out Reina" you would still see "Trainer Kyramei sent out Bayleef".


Nicknames should be like masks; you can change them or take them off any time you like. This would allow players to change their Pokemon's nicknames anytime and from any location, thus removing the need to program a Name Rater NPC. If the PRO staff deem it necessary, there could also be a daily limit on how many times players can change their Pokemon's nicknames, but I don't really see that being viable if no one except the trainer can see the names to begin with.

I imagine simply being able to click on the Pokemon's name in its status window, and being able to edit the name. Really simple like.


If nicknames take off, perhaps there can be an option for players to turn nicknames on or off so that they CAN see other player's Pokemon nicknames if they so desire. Not really necessary, but I would certainly enjoy seeing what other people name their Pokemon.


I'm not really expecting to get a lot of support for this suggestion, but I am hopeful that I'm not the only one who would like to be able to name my Pokemon.

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I only approved this post to say: No


There would too many loopholes players could jump through when creating names for pokemon, creating ones that would evade any filter set in place. and would be difficult to moderate.


So, wont happen. sorry


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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That's why I suggested setting up nicknames the way I did; if no one else can see what a player named their Pokemon, there would be little need for moderation (although I totally understand wanting to keep those loopholes closed; I've received some pretty lame named Pokemon through Wonder Trade on my X version).


I forgot that trading is a thing we can do on PRO, so I make this amendment: Nicknamed Pokemon should be untradeable, thus forcing the trainer to remove the name before being able to trade it. This would avoid having players receive inappropriately named Pokemon.

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127327 i agree, it would cause players to have their Pokemon name to be either Racist, Inappropriate or just plain Disgusting. Vote for no

I think that this should become a thing. Unlike the original games where the names were universal and seen by everyone you could make it as the topic says and just client side, therefore no one but the owner of the Pokemon could see the name. This makes Pokemon so much more enjoyable for a lot of people.

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I also totally forgot that trading is a thing we can do on PRO (I'm new, sorry, lol) so let me make an amendment:


Make named Pokemon untradeable. This would force players to remove the nickname before being able to trade Pokemon, and would also eliminate the chance of other players acquiring Pokemon with less-than-ideal names.

Or, just make the name disappear when a Pokemon gets traded.

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127327 i agree, it would cause players to have their Pokemon name to be either Racist, Inappropriate or just plain Disgusting. Vote for no

I think that this should become a thing. Unlike the original games where the names were universal and seen by everyone you could make it as the topic says and just client side, therefore no one but the owner of the Pokemon could see the name. This makes Pokemon so much more enjoyable for a lot of people.


I was going to propose a filter to the names but this is honestly a better solution.


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To be honest I would really like to give nicknames to my pokes. It is something I really enjoy in every pokemon game.


If only I can see it, there should not be problems with inappropriate language, and I really doubt that it would use a lot of database (its not more than 10 letters per poke, storing the ivs and evs cannot be much less than that, and there would not be more than 10 named pokes per player in mean).

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