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My name is Duy Nguyen, I represent the majority of players in Vietnam. We hope that the publisher of the game Pokemon Revolution Online can update and develop more lands (Unova, Kalos,... ), more dynamic effects when using skills in battle. I think when the publisher does this, it will attract more players. Because most of all, pokemon is a childhood movie.

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Hey @Kisukisu, new regions are already planned. The next region will be a custom-made region by the staff team and it is called Astrella. From what we know Astrella will have Gen7 pokemon in the wild. There are not much details for the plans after that but its said that after Astrella its planned to release the Orange Islands and after that its planned to get Unova into PRO.

About animations for moves, they are also planned to be added for every move in the game but that require a lot of time since there are only a few artists and they have other higher priorities currently.

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