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Show ID of pokemon in preview


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As I said in the title, make ID show in preview so we can link the freshly caught pokemon in trade chat and other channel from our pc storage without going back to pc.


This is currently possible since the new update for linking the poke is different now.


Before = poke+#slot of party "[poke1]

Now = poke+ID of the pokemon  "[poke1234567]




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  • Developer

I am not sure yet but with users being able to link Pokemon from their box I might add an item in the Coin Shop that allows you to open your storage everywhere read-only.


Read-only means you cannot move Pokemon within your box, not move Pokemon from your box to your team (and vice versa) or take items from your box Pokemon.

But you would be able to link Pokemon from your box directly in the chat or pms.


But as I am said above, I am not sure about that yet.

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